
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:科学  作者:伊尔莫夫  页数:443  


Treats phase transition theory and the analysis of phase transitions in terms of both Landau theory and fluctuation theory,with particular attention given to crystals and quasicrystals.Also included is an overview of color symmetry applications in phase transition theory. A separate chapter is devoted to martensite transitions and this includes an analysis of soliton solutions of nonlinear equations of elasticity.Revised and expanded translation from the Russian edition of 1984.




ContentsPrefacePreface to the English EditionNotationChapter 1.Introduction to Phenomenological Phase Transition Theory  1.Fundamentals of Landau’S Thermodynamic Theory      Elementary thermodynamic analysis    Spontaneous symmetry    breaking at a continuous phase transition    The Landau condi—tion for a second.order phase transition    Further development of Landau’S theory 2.Prerequisites on Space-group Representations    Space-group irreducible representations    Irreducible representa-tions and their decomposition ReferenCes    Chapter 2.Physical Realization of the Order Parameters at a Micro scopic Level of Description    3.Tensor Representation of the Space Group on a Basis of Localized Atomic Functions      Constructing crystal space group reducible representations(20).    The stabilizer method    Constructing basis functions for star arms  4.Permutational Representation and its Basis    A summary of formulas(2s).    The OP for ordering in AB type alloys    The OP for ordering in Nb—H and Ta-H hydrides  5.Vector Representation and its Basis     A summary of formulas    The OP at a structural phase transition in A一15 compounds    The OP at a structural phase transition in C一15 compounds  6.Pseudovector Representation and its Basis      A description of the magnetically ordered state    The OP at a magnetic phase transition in a garnet  References   Chapter 3.Symmetry Change at Phase Transitions  7.Change ill Translational Symmetry    The Brillouin zone and the symmetric points in it    Arm mixing    and the transition channel    Magnetic lattices  8.The Totai Symmetry Change      Principles for finding the symmetry group of a new phase(74).    An example of a group.theoretic method of searching for dissymmetricphases(77).  9.Domains     Domains as a consequence of the Curie principle    A symme try classification of domains    Arm,orientational and antiphase domains    Examples of an analysis of the domain structure  10.The Paraphase     The initial phase and the paraphase    Major criteria for para-phase search    An example of choosing the paraphase  Refetences Chapter 4.Analysis of the Thermodynamic Potential  11.Invariant Expressions of the Thermodynamic Potentia    A straightforward(direct)method of constructing polynomial invari—ants    Constructing the&for the structural phase transition inC一1 5 compounds    Constructing the@for the structural phasetransition in A-15 compounds  12.Integral Rational Basis of Invariants    Genera]remarks(104).The HRBI construetion algorithm    Solv—ability of the group and the minimal IRBI  13.Examples of the Construction of an IRBI    Constructing the IRBI for the structural transition in C-15 cornpounds    Construction of the IRBI for the structural transitionin A.15 compounds    Constructing the IRBI for the structuraltransition in MnAs  ……Chapter 6.Macroscopic Order Parameters  Chapter 7.Phase Transitions in an External Field  Chapter 8.Martensite TransformationsChapter 9.Incommensurate Periodicity PhasesChapter 10.Color Symmetry and its Role in Phase Transition TheoryChapter 11.Fluctuations and SymmetryRcfcrencesAppendixIndex






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