出版时间:2009-1 出版社:科学出版社 作者:阿诺德 页数:518
This work describes the fundamental principles, problems, and methods of classical mechanics. The main attention is devoted to the mathematical side of the subject. The authors have endeavored to give an exposition stressing the working apparatus of classical mechanics. The book is significantly expanded compared to the previous edition. The authors have added two chapters on the variational principles and methods of classical mechanics as well as on tensor invariants of equations of dynamics. Moreover, various other sections have been revised, added or expanded. The main purpose of the book is to acquaint the reader with classical mechanics as a whole, in both its classical and its contemporary aspects.The book addresses all mathematicians, physicists and engineers.
作者:(俄罗斯)阿诺德(Vladimir I.Arnold) 等
1 Basic Principles of Classical Mechanics 1.1 Newtonian Mechanics 1.1.1 Space, Time, Motion 1.1.2 Newton-Laplace Principle of Determinacy 1.1.3 Principle of Relativity 1.1.4 Principle of Relativity and Forces of Inertia 1.1.5 Basic Dynamical Quantities. Conservation Laws... 1.2 Lagrangian Mechanics 1.2.1 Preliminary Remarks 1.2.2 Variations and Extremals 1.2.3 Lagrange's Equations 1.2.4 Poincare's Equations 1.2.5 Motion with Constraints 1.3 Hamiltonian Mechanics 1.3.1 Symplectic Structures and Hamilton's Equations 1.3.2 Generating Functions 1.3.3 Symplectic Structure of the Cotangent Bundle 1.3.4 The Problem of n Point Vortices 1.3.5 Action in the Phase Space 1.3.6 Integral Invariant 1.3.7 Applications to Dynamics of Ideal Fluid 1.4 Vakonomic Mechanics 1.4.1 Lagrange's Problem 1.4.2 Vakonomic Mechanics 1.4.3 Principle of Determinacy 1.4.4 Hamilton's Equations in Redundant Coordinates 1.5 Hamiltonian Formalism with Constraints 1.5.1 Dirac's Problem 1.5.2 Duality ' 1.6 Realization of Constraints 1.6.1 Various Methods of Realization of Constraints 1.6.2 Holonomic Constraints 1.6.3 Anisotropic Friction 1.6.4 Adjoint Masses 1.6.5 Adjoint Masses and Anisotropic Friction 1.6.6 Small Masses2 The n-Body Problem 2.1 The Two-Body Problem 2.1.1 Orbits 2.1.2 Anomalies 2.1.3 Collisions and Regularization 2.1.4 Geometry of Kepler's Problem 2.2 Collisions and Regularization 2.2.1 Necessary Condition for Stability 2.2.2 Simultaneous Collisions 2.2.3 Binary Collisions 2.2.4 Singularities of Solutions of the n-Body Problem 2.3 Particular Solutions 2.3.1 Central Configurations 2.3.2 Homographic Solutions 2.3.3 Effective Potential and Relative Equilibria 2.3.4 Periodic Solutions in the Case of Bodies cf Equal Masses 2.4 Final Motions in the Three-Body Problem 2.4.1 Classification of the Final Motions According to Chazy. 2.4.2 Symmetry of the Past and Future 2.5 Restricted Three-Body Problem 2.5.1 Equations of Motion. The Jacobi Integral 2.5.2 Relative Equilibria and Hill Regions 2.5.3 Hill's Problem 2.6 Ergodic Theorems of Celestial Mechanics 2.6.1 Stability in the Sense of Poisson 2.6.2 Probability of Capture 2.7 Dynamics in Spaces of Constant Curvature 2.7.1 Generalized Bertrand Problem 2.7.2 Kepler's Laws 2.7.3 Celestial Mechanics in Spaces of Constant Curvature 2.7.4 Potential Theory in Spaces of Constant Curvature3 Symmetry Groups and Order Reduction. 3.1 Symmetries and Linear Integrals 3.1.1 NSther's Theorem 3.1.2 Symmetries in Non-Holonomic Mechanics 3.1.3 Symmetries in Vakonomic Mechanics 3.1.4 Symmetries in Hamiltonian Mechanics 3.2 Reduction of Systems with Symmetries ……4 Variational Principles and Methods5 Integrable Systems and Integration Methods6 Perturbation Theory for Integrable Systems7 Non-Integrable Systems8 Theory of Small Oscillations9 Tensor Invariants of Equations of DynamicsRecommended ReadingBibliographyIndex of NamesSubject Index
插图:This problem has many common features with the classical n-body prob-lem in Euclidean space. However, there are also essential differences. First,the two-body problem on S3 proves to be non-integrable: there are not suffi-ciently many first integrals for its solution and its orbits look quite complicated(see [137]). Here the main difficulty is related to the fact that the Galileo-Newton law of inertia does not hold: the centre of mass of gravitating pointsno longer moves along an arc of a great circle.Furthermore, as in the classical case, binary collisions admit regularization.However, the question whether the generalized Sundman theorem is valid forthe three-body problem in spaces of constant curvature remains open. Thisquestion essentially reduces to the problem of elimination of triple collisions.Recall that in the ordinary three-body problem the absence of simultaneouscollisions is guaranteed by a non-zero constant value of the angular momentumof the system of n points with respect to their centre of mass (Theorem 2.3).Of interest is the problem of finding partial solutions for n gravitatingbodies in spaces of constant curvature (similar to the classical solutions ofEuler and Lagrange). Results in this direction can be found in the book [137].The restricted three-body problem was studied in this book: relative equilibriawere found and the Hill regions were constructed.