
出版时间:2008-9  出版社:科学出版社  作者:邢全臣  页数:391  字数:660000  


Famous old Chinese poems we translate,Whose versions are the nicest down to date.Just like you,we love genuine beauty,And we read literature Of first rate.For the West to enjoy Chinese poetry,Wehavemademuch effortto openthe gate.Time may bury our youth without mercy,But our desire for leaming will not abate.Poetry is the refinement of human language,composed in regular rhymed forms.It isused like other literary genres to express human thoughts and feelings,and reflectsalmost all the aspects of social life.It has in it the beauty of language,of artisticconception and of music.Since the appearance of literature,written or oral,in thehuman community,poetry,as a finer part of it,has been used for relentless pursuit oftruth,goodness and beauty,and for merciless denouncement of falsehood,evil andugliness as well.Chinese poetry has a comparatively long history and has spread farand wide.In fact,we might say,poetry is above all else the summing up of daily life.


审者序AcknowledgementsPrefacePart One Translation of Chinese Classical Poetry 1.敕勒歌 2.长歌行 3.秋夜望单飞雁 4.观沧海 5.神龟篇 6.豆 7.饮酒 8.归园田居 9.微山亭赋韵 10.早梅 11.咏春风 12.咏寒松 13.落叶 14.静夜思 15.夜宿山寺 16.庐山瀑布 17.赠汪伦 18.山中问答 19.送孟浩然之广陵 20.春夜喜雨 21.绝句 22.登岳阳楼 23.旅夜书怀 24.曲江二首(其一)……Part Two Index to Famous Lines of Chinese PoetryBibliographyAppendix




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