
出版时间:2008-2  出版社:科学  作者:施瓦布 编  页数:577  






1.Basic Principles 1.1  Introduction 1.2  A Brief Excursion into Probability Theory  1.2.1  Probability Density and Characteristic.Functions  1.2.2  The Central Limit Theorem. 1.3  Ensembles in Classical Statistics.  1.3.1  Phase Space and Distribution Functions  1.3.2  The Liouville Equation 1.4  Quantum Statistics  1.4.1  The Density Matrix for Pure and Mixed Ensembles  1.4.2  The Von Neumann Equation. *1.5  Additional Remarks  *1.5.1  The Binomial and the Poisson Distributions  *1.5.2  Mixed Ensembles and the Density Matrix of Subsystems Problems2.Equilibrium Ensembles 2.1  Introductory Remarks 2.2 Microcanonical Ensembles  2.2.1 Microcanonical Distribution Functions and Density Matrices  2.2.2  The Classical Ideal Gas  *2.2.3  Quantum.mechanical Harmonic Oscillators and Spin Systems 2.3 Entropy  2.3.1  General Definition  2.3.2  An Extremal Property of the Entropy  2.3.3  Entropy ofthe Microcanonical Ensemble 2.4  Temperature and Pressure  2.4.1  Systems in Contact:the Energy Distribution Function Definition of the Temperature  2.4.2 0n the Widths of the Distribution Functions of Macroscopic Quantities  2.4.3  External Parameters:Pressure 2.5  Properties of Some Non-interacting Systems  2.5.1  The Ideal Gas  *2.5.2  Non-interacting Quantum Mechanical Harmonic Oscillators and Spins 2.6  The Canonical Ensemble  2.6.1 The Density Matrix  2.6.2 Examples:the Maxwell Distribution and the Barometric Pressure Formula  2.6.3 The Entropy of the Canonical Ensemble and Its Extremal Values  2.6.4  The Virial Theorem and the Equipartition Theorem  2.6.5  Thermodynamic Quantities in the Canonical Ensemble  2.6.6  Additional Properties of the Entropy 2.7  The Grand Canonical Ensemble  2.7.1 Systems with Particle Exchange  2.7.2  The Grand Canonical Density Matrix  2.7.3  Thermodynamic Quantities  2.7.4  The Grand Partition Function for the Classical Ideal Gas  *2.7.5 The Grand Canonical Density Matrix in Second Quantization Problems3.Thermodynamics 3.1  Potentials and LaWS of Equilibrium Thermodynamics  3.1.1  Definitions  3.1.2  The Legendre Transformation  3.1.3 The Gibbs-Duhem Relation in Homogeneous Systems 3.2  Derivatives of Thermodynamic Quantities  3.2.1  Definitions  3.2.2  Integrability and the Maxwell Relations  3.2.3  Jacobians  3.2.4  Examples 3.3 Fluctuations and Thermodynamic Inequalities.  3.3.1  Fluctuations  3.3.2  Inequalities 3.4 Absolute Temperature and Empirical Temperatures 3.5  Thermodynamic Processes  3.5.1 Thermodynamic Concepts  3.5.2 The Irreversible Expansion of a Gas the Gay-Lussac Experiment  3.5.3 The Statistical Foundation of Irreversibility  3.5.4 Reversible Processes  3.5.5  The Adiabatic Equation ……3.Thermodynamics4.Ideal Quantum Gases5.Real Gases,Liquids,and Solutions6.Magnetism7.Phase Transitions,Renormalization Group Theroy,and Percolation8.Brownian Motion,Equations of Motion and the Fokker-Planck Equations9.The Boltzmann Equation10.Irreversibilty and the Approach to EquilibriumAppendixSubject Index






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  •   相信是好书!
  •   留着看吧 广积粮
  •   内容和印刷都还不错,在这个系列中算不错的了,就是有点贵。
  •   此书是我研究生期间教材,授课老师是Schwabl的学生。Schwabl的书主要注重数学推导,我老师讲课基本上就是填补书中上个公式和下个公式之间的推导,个人认为不适宜自学,更不适宜第一次学习统计力学。但此书的严谨性是值得称赞的,全书从Gibbs系综理论出发先介绍微正则分布,然后从微正则系综导出正则系综与巨正则系综,同时介绍各个热力学函数。然后再讨论热力学,和国内的王竹溪派的风格完全不同。本书内容非常丰富,所以每个要点都非常简要,特别是到了后面的章节,公式与公式之间毫不夸张的说都是有三页纸的推导被省略了,再次强调个人认为不适宜自学。
  •   经典书籍、值得拥有、到货快
  •   当初在新浪共享上下载了这本书的电子版,才看了第一章就决定购买。确实不错的书,德国的写书风格就是严谨,一步步的推导,有完整的数学过程。适合自学。何况,能引进到中国来的教材,肯定不差。这本书是作者05年写成的,算是比较新的。而且包含有统计力学最基本的内容,和最新的研究进展。所包括的内容广泛。是一本非常不错的书。适合高年级的学生看,需要一点量子力学的基础。当然,也特别适合自学。统计力学的经典教材了。奇怪了,这么好的书,而且这么便宜,亚马逊上为什么没有人写条评论呢?书的印刷质量特别好,很新。亚马逊比**网上商城足足便宜了20块钱。果断出手了。哈哈,很满意!!!

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