
出版时间:2007-10  出版社:科学  作者:阿伦森  页数:3994  


  2006年6月,《Meyler药物副作用——国际药物不良反应和相互作用百科全书》第十五版由荷兰EIsevier公司正式发行,这对所有从事药物不良反应监测、关注临床用药安全的医药学工作者及从事医药事业管理工作者来说,具有重大的意义。  《MEYLER药物副作用(导读版)(第15版)(共6卷)》的主编Dr.Aronson长期致力于药物不良反应分类、监测及报告体系的研究,其中包括药物不良反应系统评价、Meta分析、药物不良反应病例报告信息的应用、药物治疗的利弊分析、贝叶斯(Bayesian)法分析药物不良反应、用药错误研究、治疗药物监测、局部麻醉药构效关系研究及发展中国家毒理问题简易医学处理方法等多项研究。以这些丰富的医药学研究经历为基础,他与世界各国医药学界不同专业175位著名专家通力合作,使得本百科全书第十五版以全新面貌出版,引起了国际医药界的高度重视。  《MEYLER药物副作用(导读版)(第15版)(共6卷)》新版具有以下特点:  ●专业信息最为丰富的百科全书:《MEYLER药物副作用(导读版)(第15版)(共6卷)》包含1500佘种药物的相关不良反应信息。  ●以专论(monograph)综述药物信息:《MEYLER药物副作用(导读版)(第15版)(共6卷)》所列各药物专论均按《MEYLER药物副作用(导读版)(第15版)(共6卷)》拟定的系统格式综述该类药物或个别药物的相关信息。  ●全书检索方便快捷:本版百科全书按各类药物和个别药物专论药名的首字母顺序编辑,检索十分方便。  ●采用药物不良反应DoTS分类法,有利于读者准确把握各类药物不良反应的临床特征。  ●详细收载药物研发史中具有警示意义的重大事件。  这套新版百科全书适用于从事药物不良反应监测、上市药品再评价的专业人员以及不同专业的医学工作者和药学工作者,同时也适用于医药院校的教师和从事药品开发事业的研究人员。






版权页:Psychotic reactions in people taking amphetamines werefirst reported many years ago and the question was posedwhether it was due to the amphetamines or to co-existingand exacerbated paranoid schizophrenia. In one study,most of the psychotic symptoms remitted before theexcretion of amines had fallen to its normal basal value(SED-9, 8). The psychotic syndrome was indistinguish-able from paranoid schizophrenia, with short periods ofdisorientation, and could occur after a single dose (manyhad taken the equivalent of some 500 flag of amfetamineor metamfetamine orally) with or without simultaneousalcohol, and was most pronounced in addi&s (SED-9, 9).Amfetamine psychosis was also seen in 14 people inAustralia (1); the predominant hallucinations were visual,which is unusual for schizophrenia (SED-8, 11). Similarly, in contrast to schizophrenia, vision was the primary sen-sory mode in thinking disorders and body schema distor-tions in 25 amfetamine addicts (50).  In other studies, volunteers previously dependent onamphetamines were dosed to a level at which amfetaminepsychosis was produced, in order to examine the mechan-ism of action and pharmacokinetics of amfetamine and itspossible relation to schizophrenia (51,52). Psychosis wasinduced by moderately high doses of amfetamine and thepsychotic symptoms were often a replication of thechronic amfetamine psychosis, raising the question ofwhether the establishment of chronic stimulant psychosisleaves residual vulnerability to psychosis precipitated bystimulants. The mechanism might be similar to that whichoperates in the reverse tolerance that has been seen inexperimental animals (53). In some cases an underlyingpsychosis can be precipitated; an increase in schizo-phrenic symptoms (SED-8, 12) was observed in 17actively ill schizophrenic patients after a single injectionof amfetamine.






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