
出版时间:2007-10  出版社:郭新志 科学出版社有限责任公司 (2007-10出版)  作者:郭新志  页数:306  




Preface 1Preface 2ForewordChapter One  General Introduction   Brief Introduction   Definition of Infantile Cerebral Palsy   Prevalence of Disease   Pathology of Cerebral Palsy   Neurophysiology of Disease   Concept and Understanding of Cerebral Palsy (Traditional Chinese Medicine)Chapter Two  Neuropsychological Development in Infancy   Introduction   Nervous System Development in Infancy   Motor System Development in Infancy   Speech Development in Infancy   Perceptual Development in Infancy   Cognitive Development in Infancy   Traditional Chinese Medicine Basic Concept of Development in InfancyChapter Three  Etiology of Cerebral Palsy   Introduction   Prenatal Factors   Perinatal Factors   Postnatal FactorsChapter Four  Classification and Manifestation of Cerebral Palsy   Classification of Cerebral Palsy   Clinical Manifestation   Clinical Grading for EvaluationChapter Five  Accessory Examination  Introduction  Image Analysis  Electroencephalogram(EEG) AnalysisChapter Six  Diagnosis and Evaluation of Cerebral Palsy   Introduction   Diagnosis (Early Diagnosis and Standards)   "Vojta" Postural Reactions   Early Clinical Manifestations   Fundamental Principles of Early Diagnosis   Differential DiagnosisChapter Seven  Evaluation of Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation   Introduction   Definition and Objectives of Rehabilitation Evaluation   Content of Rehabilitation Evaluation   Structure of the Rehabilitation Evaluation ProcessChapter Eight  Treatment of Cerebral Palsy ( Western Medicine )   Physical Therapy   Occupational Therapy   Speech Therapy   Western Medication Therapy   Other TherapiesChapter Nine  Treatment of Cerebral Palsy (Traditional Chinese Medicine)   Introduction   Acupuncture (Scalp)   Acupuncture (Body)   Acupuncture (Facial)   Acupuncture (Abdominal)   Massage Therapy   Aeupoint Block Therapy   Head and Foot Reflexology   Chinese Herbal Medication Therapy   Recuperative TherapyChapter Ten  Treatment of Combined Syndromes in Cerebral Palsy    Affliction ( Western Medicine)   Cerebral Palsy and Speech Disorders   Cerebral Palsy and Drooling   Cerebral Palsy and Hypophrenia   Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy   Cerebral Palsy and DysphoriaChapter Eleven  Treatment of Combined Syndromes in Cerebral Palsy   Affliction (Traditional Chinese Medicine)   Cerebral Palsy and Chronic Infantile Convulsion   Cerebral Palsy and Hypophrenia   Cerebral Palsy and Aphasia   Cerebral Palsy and Deafness   Cerebral Palsy and Drooling   Cerebral Palsy and Metopism   Cerebral Palsy and Nape Flaccidity   Cerebral Palsy and EpilepsyChapter Twelve  Comprehensive Concept of Rehabilitation in Cerebral   Palsy   Overall Concept   Medical Rehabilitation   In-Family Rehabilitation   Community-Based Rehabilitation   Mental Rehabilitation   Special Education   Social Rehabilitation   Postural Re-Education Through Usage of Orthopedic Instruments   Implementation of Mobile Rehabilitation Unit   Long Distance Education Through Advanced Information TechnologyChapter Thirteen  Orthopedic Surgery   Introduction   Anaesthesia for Cerebral Palsy Affliction   Upper Extremity Surgerv   Lower Extremity Surgery   Selective Posterior Rhizotomy (SPR)Chapter Fourteen  Early Intervention and Prevention   Introduction   Prevention at the Preconception Stage   Prevention at the Pregnancy Stage   Prevention at the Perinatal Stage   Prevention at the Postnatal StageReferencesPostscript





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