
出版时间:2007-7  出版社:科学出版社  作者:阿斯林  页数:176  


本系列丛书精选Trends、Current Opinion和Drug Discovery Today等系列出版物中的部分论文,以原文附中文摘要(或缩编)的形式,按专题编辑成册。本系列书将主要面向大学高年级学生、教师、研究生以及科研工作者,供其参考和收藏。 本书导读专家为李葆明教授,全书共有25篇文章,涉及婴幼儿认知发育、语言学习、正常与异常的记忆系统、学习与记忆过程中的信号传导等内容。




中文摘要学习与忘记 Methodological challenges for understanding cognitive development in  infants  Richard N.Aslin and József Fiser  婴儿认知发育研究的方法学挑战 Nature and nurture in language acquisition:anatomical and functional  brain-imaging studies in infants  Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz,Lucie Hertz-Pannier and Jessica Dubois  语言获得的先天性和后天因素:婴儿脑解剖和功能的成像研究 Dynamic auditory processing,musical experience and language development  Paula Tallal and Nadine Gaab  动态听觉处理、音乐经验及语言发展 Constructing a past in infancy:a neuro-developmental account  Patricia J.Bauer  婴儿如何构建过去:神经发育学的观点 The structure and function of explanations  Tania Lombrozo  解释的结构与功能 Modeling developmental cognitive neuroscience  Gert Westermann,Sylvain Sirois,Thomas R.Shultz and Denis Mareschal  认知发育神经科学的建模 Bridges over troubled waters:education and cognitive neuroscience  Daniel Ansari and Donna Coch  波澜水面上的桥梁:教育与认知神经科学 Learning under stress:how does it work?  Marian Joёls,Zhenwei Pu,Olof Wiegert,Melly S.Oitzl and Harm   J.Krugers  应激如何影响学习? Learning to tell apples from oranges  Manfred Fahle  如何把苹果与桔子分开? Who's on first?What's on second?The time course of learning in   corticostriatal systems  Mark Laubach  谁先谁后?皮层纹状体系统在学习过程中的时间顺序 A unified model for perceptual learning  Aaron Seitz and Takeo Watanabe  知觉学习的一个统一模型 How our hands help us learn  Susan Goldin-Meadow and Susan M.Wagner  手势如何帮助学习? Number and language:how are they related?  Rochel Gelman and Brian Butterworth  数和语言:它们是如何关联的? Different molecular cascades in different sites of the brain control   memory consolidatiOn  Iván Izquierdo,Lia R.M.Bevilaqua.Janine I.Rossato,Juliana S.Bonini,  Jorge H.Medina and Mart in Cammarota  大脑不同部位的记忆巩固依赖不同的分子级联反应 Memory retention-the synaptic stability versus plasticity dilemma  Wickliffe C.Abraham and Anthony Robins  记忆的保持——突触稳定性还是突触可塑性? Remembering the time:a continuous clock  Penelope A Lewis and R Chris Miall  记住时间:永不停歇的时钟 a CaMKII autophosphorylation:a fast track to memory  Elaine E.Irvine,Laura S.J.von Hertzen,Florian Plattner and Karl   Peter Giese  a CaMKII自身磷酸化:记忆的快速通道 The rhinal cortex:gatekeeper。of the declarative memory system  Guillén Fernández and Indira Tendolkar  嗅皮层:陈述性记忆系统的守门人 Memory consolidation and reconsolidation:what is the role of sleep?  Robert Stickgold and Matthew P.Walker  记忆巩固和再巩固:睡眠在其中的作用 Homeostatic plasticity and NMDA receptor trafficking  Isabel Pérez-Otarno and Michael D.Ehlers  稳态可塑性和NMDA受体的转运 Human memory development and its dysfunction after early hippocampal  injury  Michelle de Haan,Mortimer Mishkin,Torsten Baldeweg and Faraneh   Vargha-Khadem  人类记忆的发育及早期海马损伤后的记忆缺陷 Cognitive abnormalities in post-traumatic stress disorder  Richard J.McNally  创伤后应激综合征(PTSD)的认知异常 Genetic influences on language impairment and phonological short-term  memory  Dianne F.Newbury,Dorothy V.M.Bishop and Anthony P.Monaco  语言损伤和语音短时记忆的遗传性影响 Notch to remember  Rui M.Costa,Camilla Drew and Alcino J.Silva  记忆的形成需要Notch信号通路 Protein kinase A as a therapeutic target for memory disorders:rationale  and challenges  Amy F.T.Amsten,Brian P.Ramos,Shari G.Birnbaum and Jane R.Taylor  蛋白激酶A作为记忆障碍的药物治疗靶点:依据和挑战






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