
出版时间:2007-7  出版社:科学出版社  作者:多克希  页数:160  


《生命科学新视野》丛书精选Trends、Current Opinion和Drug Discovery Today等系列出版物中的部分最新论文,以原文稍加中文注解的形式,按专题编辑成册。本书为其中一册,共有23篇文章,主要涉及信号转导、信号通路、信号转导网络等内容。 本书将主要面向大学高年级学生、教师、研究生以及科研工作者,供其参考和收藏。


中文摘要细胞信号  Centrosome control of the cell cycle    Stephen Doxsey,Wendy Zimmerman and Keith Mikule    中心粒控制着细胞周期  Plant signalling:the inexorable rise of auxin    Andrew J.Fleming    植物信号转导——高涨的生长素  Movin’on up:the role of Ptdlns(4,5)P,in cell migration    Kun Ling,Nicholas J.Schill,Matthew P.Wagoner,Yue Sun and Richard A     Andereon    4,5-二磷酸磷脂酰肌醇[Ptdlns(4,5)P2]在细胞迁移中的作用  Turning cells red:signal transduction mediated by erythropoietin    Terri D.Richmond,Manprit Chohan and Dwayne L.Barber    使细胞变红:促红细胞生成素介导的信号转导  More than just proliferation:Myc function in stem cells    Mark J.Murphy,Anne Wilson and Andreas Trumpp    不仅仅是增殖:Myc对干细胞的作用  COPl-from plant photomorphogenesis to mammalian tumorigenesis     Chunling Yi and Xing Wang Deng     COP1:从植物的光形态发生到哺乳动物的肿瘤形成  The interaction between FOXO and SIRT1:tipping the balance towards      survival      Maria E.Giannakou and Linda Partridge      FOXO和SIRTl的相互作用:死里逃生  Protein phosphorylation in signaling-50 years and counting     Tony Pawson,and John D.Scott     信号转导过程中的蛋白质磷酸化:50年的探索和未来  Nitric oxide signaling:no longer simply on or off     Stephen P L.Cary,Jonathan A.Winger,Emily R.Derbyshire and Michael        A.Madetta     一氧化氮信号:不再是简单的开与关的问题  Bridging the GAP between insulin signaling and GLUT4 translocation     Robert T.Watson and Jeffrey E.Pessin     搭起胰岛素信号和葡萄糖转移蛋白4转移之间的桥梁  Getting to know your neighbours;a new mechanism for cell intercalation     Kelly K.Nikolaidou and Kathy Barrett     了解你的邻居:一种新的细胞迁入机制  MAP kinase kinase kinases and innate immunity     Antony Symons,Soren Beinke and Steven C.Ley     MAP激酶级联通路和天然免疫  Interference with HH-GLI signalling inhibits prostate cancer     Barbara Stecca,Christophe Mas and Ariel Ruiz i Altaba     干扰HH-GLI信号通路可抑制前列腺癌  Helicobacter pylori-induced epithelial cell signalling in gastric   carcinogenesis     Michael Naurnann and Jean E.Crabtree     胃癌发生过程中幽门螺杆菌所诱导的胃上皮细胞信号通路  Intraneuronal trafficking of G-protein-coupled receptors in vivo      Veronique Bernard,Marion Decossas,Isabel Liste and Bertrand Bloch      体内G-蛋白偶联受体在神经元内的转运  Free radicals and aging      Gustavo Bada      自由基与衰老  A novel role for abscisic acid emerges from underground      Ive De Smet,Hanma Zhang,Dirk Inzeand Tom Beeckman      脱落酸的一种新作用  Plant neurobiology:an integrated view of plant signalling      Eric D.Brenner,Rainer Stahlberg,Stefano Mancuso,Jorge       Vivanco,Frantesek Baluska and Elizabeth Van      Volkenburgh      植物神经生物学:对植物信号的整体认识  Plant thioredoxins are key actors in the oxidative stress response      Christina Vieira Dos Santos and Pascal Rey      植物的硫氧还蛋白在氧化胁迫应答中扮演着重要角色  Receptors for auxin:will it all end in TIRs?     George O.Badescu and Richard M.Napier     生长素受体:难道仅仅是TIR这类蛋白吗?  Plant synapses:actin-based domains for cell-to-cell communication      Frantisek Baluska,Dieter Volkmann and Diednk Menzel      植物神经突触:基于肌动蛋白的细胞与细胞之间信息交流  New signalling molecules regulating root hair tip growth      Jozef Samaj.Frantisek Baluska and Diedrik MenzeI      调控根毛顶端生长的新信号分子  Reactive oxygen gene network of plants      Ron Mittler,Sandy Vanderauwera,Martin Gollery and Frank Van       Breusegem      植物的活性氧基因网络





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  •   买这本书,有一种上当的感觉。与其说它是一本书,不如说是英文文献的杂合体。从各个数据库,选取了一些生命科学领域的英文文献,然后放在一起,就是这本书了。总体而言,文章选择范围很宽,给人杂乱之感。如果讲究时效,读者不如直接去各个数据库找最新的英文文献;如果讲究专业性,读者不如去看各个小领域的专业书籍。

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