
出版时间:2007-5  出版社:科学出版社  作者:(美)马迪根  页数:1019  字数:2535000  


本书为《Brock微生物生物学》(原书第十版)的影印版,涵盖了微生物学的许多新进展,展现了一个全新的组织结构和表达方式,同时也保留了以往版本的精华以便灵活适应新世纪的教学手段。本书共六个部分:微生物学原理,进化微生物学和微生物的多样性,代谢多样性和微生物生态学,免疫、病原和寄主的响应,微生物疾病和微生物在工业生产和科学研究中的应用,其知识全面、内容丰富。    本书适用于高等院校微生物专业的本科生、研究生和科研人员,也可供分子生物学、细胞生物学、生物技术等相关研究领域的教学、科研人员或技术人员参考使用。


Michael T. Madigan dedicates this book to four individuals who depart-
ed this life in 2001. First, my mother Myrtle (February 28, 2001); she was a tov-
ing mother who raised a good family and encouraged me to go to college at a
rather critical stage i


Unit Ⅰ PRINCIPLES OF MICROBIOLOGY  Chapter 1 Microorganisms and Microbiology  Chapter 2 An Overview of Microbial Life  Chapter 3 Macromolecules  Chapter 4 Cell Structure/Function  Chapter 5 Nutrition, Laboratory Culture, and Metabolism of Microorganisms  Chapter 6 Microbial Growth  Chapter 7 Principles of Microbial Molecular Biology  Chapter 8 Regulation of Gene Expression  Chapter 9 Essentials of Virology  Chapter 10 Bacterial GeneticsUnit Ⅱ EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY AND MICROBIAL DIVERSITY  Chapter 11 Microbial Evolution and Systematics  Chapter 12 Prokaryotic Diversity: Bacteria  Chapter 13 Prokaryotic Diversity: The Archaea  Chapter 14 Eukaryotic Cell Biology and Eukaryotic Microorganisms  Chapter 15 Microbial Genomics  Chapter 16 Bacterial, Plant, and Animal VirusesUnit Ⅲ METABOLIC DIVERSITY AND MICROBIAL ECOLOGY  Chapter 17 Metabolic Diversity  Chapter 18 Methods in Microbial Ecology  Chapter 19 Microbial Habitats, Nutrient Cycles, and Interactions with Plants and AnimalsUnit Ⅳ IMMUNOLOGY, PATHOGENICITY, AND HOST RESPONSES  Chapter 20 Microbial Growth Control  Chapter 21 Human-Microbe Interactions  Chapter 22 Essentials of Immunology  Chapter 23 Molecular Immunology  Chapter 24 Clinical Microbiology and ImmunologyUnit Ⅴ MICROBIAL DISEASES  Chapter 25 Epidemio]ogy  Chapter 26 Person-to-Person Microbial Diseases  Chapter 27 Animal-Transmitted, Arthropod-Transmitted. and Soilborne Microbial Diseases  Chapter 28 Wastewater Treatment, Water Purification, and Waterborne Microbial Diseases  Chapter 29 Food Preservation and Foodborne Microbial DiseasesUnit Ⅵ MICROORGANISMS AS TOOLS FOR INDUSTRY AND RESEARCH  Chapter 30 Industrial Microbiology/Biocatalysis  Chapter 31 Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology




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用户评论 (总计5条)


  •   很全面的书,正准备用。
  •   好东西,强烈推荐!学生物的别错过
  •   按照一般的书来说,价格有点高,但是相对于在国外买已经便宜很多了。而且很惊喜的是里面还有彩页,本来对照片不抱指望了的,但是意外的发现质量还行
  •   送货很快,书也不错。
  •   一本很经典的微生物学书本,印刷业不错,绝对是微生物方面值得参考的书籍

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