
出版时间:2007-4  出版社:科学  作者:MotonariAdachi,  页数:317  




Preface1 Self-Assembled Si1-xGex Dots and Islands  Jean-Marc Baribeau,Nelson L.Rowell,and David J.Lockwood  1.1 Introduction  1.2 Si1-xGex Island Growth  1.3 Stacked Si1-x Islands  1.4 Engineering of Si1-xGex Islands  1.5 Applications of Si1-xGex Islands and Dots  1.6 Summarty and Future Prospects  References2 Synthersis of Titania Nanocrystals:Application for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells  Motonari Adachi,Yusuke Murata,Fumin Wang,and Jinting Jiu   2.1 Formation of Titania Nanocrystals by Surfactant-Assisted Methods  2.2 Application of TiO2 Netword of Single-Crystalline Nanowires for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells  2.3 Summary  References3 Soft Synthesis of Inorganic Nanorods,Nanowires,and Nanotubes  Shu-Hong Yu and Yi-Tai Qian  3.1 Introduction  3.2 An Overview:Emerging Synthetic Routes for the Synthesis of Low-Dimensional Nanocrystals  3.3 Soft Synthesis of Low-Dimensional Nanocrystals  3.4 Summary and Outlook  References4 Assembly of Zeolites and Crystalline Molecular Sieves  Jennifer L.Anthony and Mark E.Davis  4.1 Introduction  4.2 Thermodynamics of Synthesis Processes  4.3 Kinetics of Synthesis Processes  4.4 Assembly Processes  4.5 Components of Synthesis  4.6 Chirality:Can a "Designer"Zeolite Be Synthesized?  4.7 Summary   References5 Molecular Imprinting by the Surface Sol-Gel Process:Templated Nanoporous Metal Oxide Thim Films for Molecualr Recognition  Seung-Woo Lee and Toyoki Kunitake  5.1 Introduction  5.2 Surface Sol-Gel Process  5.3 Molecular Imprinting in Amorphous Metal Oxide Films  5.4 Practical Potentials  5.5 Unsolved Problems and Future Prospects   References6 Fabricatin,Characterization,and Applications of Template-Synthesized Nanotubes and Nanotube Membranes7 Synthesis and Characterization of Core-Shell Structured Metals8 Cobalt Nanocrystals Organized in Mesoscopic Scale9 Synthesis and Applications of Highly Ordered AnodicIndex




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