
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:科学  作者:本社  页数:95  字数:140000  


本套丛书集听力、口语、精读、语法、翻译为一体。重在强化护士的英语综合能力和实际应用能力,目标为帮助护士通过CGFNS考试或达到同等要求水平。套书共四册,每册的侧重点各有不同但对护士各方面能力的培养贯穿始终,难度呈阶梯式递增。    本书是系列丛书之一。全书共15单元,每单元两课,课文A为精读,课文B为泛读,大部分为医护科普英语文章,其间穿插一些励志类的小品文。每篇课文后都有相关练习,以方便护士强化所学知识。整个练习部分的设计由易到难、由单一到综合,内容全面,练习形式多样,对课文的整体掌握起到指导和加强作用。    本书适合于职护士、护生和有意谋求海外护理工作的人士使用。


Unit One  Text A Yin and Yang Foods  Text B NutritionUnit Three  Text A Blood System  Text B The Circulatory SystemUnit Four  Text A The Nerous System  Text B The Endocrine SystemUnit Five  Text A Musculoskeletal System  Text B The Respiratory SystemUnit Six   Text A The Urinary System  Text B The Digestive SystemUnit Seven  Text A The Three Levels of Health  Text B Stress and ReliefUnit Eight  Text A Healthy Lifestyle  Text B Tobacco and SmokingUnit Nine  Text A Nursing Practice  Text B Man and Healty EnvironmentUnit Ten   Text A The Patient's Needs  Text B ConfidenceUnit Eleven  Text A The Nursing Process in Action  Text B ForgivenessUnit Twelve  Text A The Changing Role of Nursing Services  Text B Cancer and Early DetectionUnit Thirteen  Text A Adolescent Problems  Text B Druge AbuseUnit Fourteen  Text A Body Fluide and Electrolytes  Text B Allergy Reaction and TreatmentsUnit Fifteen  Text A End of Life  Text B Life Span and Death



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  •   出国护士必备良书
  •   初步的看了一下,感觉不错.继续关注中!
  •   还行啦,新意不多。

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