
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:科学出版社  作者:伦德斯特姆  页数:217  字数:357000  


近几十年来,晶体管的尺度发展一直是推动电子学的动力,各种分子尺度的器件已经出现,甚至有取代硅晶体管的趋势。本书详细介绍了纳米晶体管的理论、建模与仿真,内容包括弹道纳米晶体管的弹道传输和量子效应,MOSFET的散射理论等。为了详细说明纳米晶体管,本书还提供了已被详尽数值仿真所证实的物理图片及半解析模型。   本书可供从事纳米电子器件领域的电子工程师、物理学者和化学家参考。


Preface1) Basic Concepts 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Distribution functions 1.3 3D, 2D, and 1D Carriers 1.4 Density of states 1.5 Carrier densities 1.6 Directed moments 1.7 Ballistic transport: semiclassical 1.8 Ballistic transport: quantum 1.9 The NEGF formalism 1.10 Scattering 1.11 Conventional transport theory 1.12 Resistance of a ballistic conductor 1.13 Coulomb blockade 1.14 Summary2) Devices, Circuits and Systems 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The MOSFET 2.3 1D MOS Electrostatics 2.4 2D MOS Electrostatics 2.5 MOSFET Current-Voltage Characteristics 2.6 The bipolar transistor 2.7 CMOS Technology 2.8 Ultimate limits 2.9 Summary3) The Ballistic Nanotransistors 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Physical view of the nanoscale MOSFETs 3.3 Natori's theory of the ballistic MOSFET 3.4 Nondegenerate, degenerate, and general carrier statistics  3.4.1 The ballistic MOSFET (nondegenerate conditions)  3.4.2 The ballistic MOSFET (TL = 0, degenerate conditions)  3.4.3 The ballistic MOSFET (general conditions) 3.5 Beyond the Natori model  3.5.1 Role of the quantum capacitance  3.5.2 Two dimensional electrostatics 3.6 Discussion 3.7 Summary4) Scattering Theory of the MOSFET 4.1 Introduction 4.2 MOSFET physics in the presence of scattering 4.3 The scattering model 4.4 The transmission coefficient under low drain bias 4.5 The transmission coefficient under high drain bias 4.6 Discussion 4.7 Summary5) Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Silicon nanowire MOSFETs  5.2.1 Evaluation of the I-V characteristics  5.2.2 The I-V characteristics for nondegenerate carrier statistics  5.2.3 The I-V characteristics for degenerate carrier statistics  5.2.4 Numerical results 5.3 Carbon nanotubes 5.4 Bandstructure of carbon nanotubes  5.4.1 Bandstructure of graphene  5.4.2 Physical structure of nanotubes  5.4.3 Bandstructure of nanotubes  5.4.4 Bandstructure near the Fermi points 5.5 Carbon nanotube FETs 5.6 Carbon nanotube MOSFETs 5.7 Schottky barrier carbon nanotube FETs 5.8 Discussion 5.9 Summary6) Transistors at the Molecular Scale 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Electronic conduction in molecules 6.3 General model for ballistic nanotransistors 6.4 MOSFETs with 0D, 1D, and 2D channels 6.5 Molecular transistors? 6.6 Single electron charging 6.7 Single electron transistors 6.8 SummaryINDEX



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