出版时间:2007-1 出版社:工程技术出版分社 作者:浮田 页数:250
光学MEMS是MEMS中的热门领域,也是MEMS的重要发展方向之一。本书系统论述了光学MEMS和微机械光子学,书中阐述了此领域的理论及实验结构,并且介绍了多种器件及其应用。内容涉及激光二极管、共振传感器、光镊子等多种器件,最后,对微机械光子学的未来发展做了展望。 本书内容丰富,系统阐述了光学MEMS,可供从事此领域的学生及工程技术人员参考。
Preface1 From Optical MEMS to Micromechanical Photonics 1.1 Micromechanical Photonics-An Emerging Technology 1.2 Fabrication Methods 1.2.1 Bulk and Surface Micromachining 1.2.2 Three-Dimensional Micromachining 1.2.3 Monolithic Integration-Micromachining for and LD 1.3 Miniaturized Systems with Microoptics and Micromechanics 1.3.1 Important Aspects for Miniaturization 1.3.2 Light Processing by Micromechanics 1.3.3 Kinetic Energy of Light 1.3.4 Micromechanical Control by Optical Pressure 1.4 Integrated Systems with LDs and Micromechanics 1.4.1 Tunable LD 1.4.2 Resonant Sensor 1.4.3 Optical Encoder 1.4.4 Integrated Flying Optical Head 1.4.5 Blood Flow Sensor 1.5 Future Outlook of Optical MEMS and Micromechanical Photonics2 Extremely Short-External-Cavity Laser Diode 2.1 Background 2.2 Theoretical Analysis 2.2.1 Lasing Condition of a Solitary LD 2.2.2 Effective Reflectivity 2.2.3 Light Output 2.2.4 Wavelength 2.3 Experimental Analysis 2.3.1 Experimental Setup 2.3.2 Light Output 2.3.3 Wavelength and Spectrum Characteristics 2.4 Applications 2.4.1 Tunable LD …… 2.5 Designs for Related Problems of an ESEC LD3 Optical Tweezers 3.1 Background 3.2 Theoretical Analysis 3.3 Experimental Measurement and COmparison 3.4 Applications of Optical Tweezers4 Optical Rotor 4.1 Background 4.2 Theoretical Analysis Ⅰ-Optical Torque 4.3 THeoretical Analysis Ⅱ-Fluid Dynamics 4.4 Fabrication 4.5 Evaluation 4.6 Mixer Application for U-TAS5 Near Field 5.1 Background 5.2 Theoretical Analysis 5.3 Experimental Analysis 5.4 Future Applications6 Answers Hints and SolutionsReferencesIndex