
出版时间:2006-9  出版社:科学出版社  作者:重庆大学机械传动国家重点实验室  页数:1703  


  《PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHANICAL TRANSMISSIONS》对机械变速器进行了极具科学性的介绍。机械式变速器(Manual Transmission)采用齿轮组,每档的齿轮组的齿数是固定的,所以各档的变速比是个定值(也就是所谓的“级” )。比如,一档变速比是3.85,二档是2.55,再到五档的0.75,这些数字再乘上主减速比就是总的传动比,总共只有5个值(即有5级),所以说它是有级变速器。随着生活水平的不断提高现在轿车已经进入了家庭,对于普通工薪阶级的老百姓来说,经济型轿车最为合适,机械式变速器以其自身的性价比配套于经济型轿车厂家,而且经济适用型轿车的销量一直在车市名列前茅。随着机械式变速器的应用的日渐广泛,就要有一《PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHANICAL TRANSMISSIONS》来进行指导,所以编者便写了这《PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHANICAL TRANSMISSIONS》,《PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHANICAL TRANSMISSIONS》适合各类型的读者阅读。


  0   INTRODUCTION  The lubricant has two major duties: On the one hand a load carrying lubricant film shall be built up between the flanks of the gears in order to reduce fric-tion and wear. On the other hand the generated heat shall be dissipated. The occurrence of the gear failure mode scuffing is strongly determined by the lubricant.In contrast, there are power losses because of the oil drag of the rotating parts in the oil sump. The opera-  tion of the necessary feed pumps for oil injection sys-tems consumes a certain amount of the engine power.In automotive gear systems the weight of the oil andof the monitoring systems is an important part of the translatory inertia of the vehicle. For the reduction of parasitic losses a general trend in automotive applica-tions is the reduction of the oil level in sump lubri-cated transmissions. The limitation of minimum lu- ricant availability in the contact of gears and bearings with respect to their scuffing failure performance was investigated for oil dip lubrication.  1  TEST APPARATUS  1.1  Test rig  For the  scuffing tests  a standardised FZG back-to-back test rig according to DIN 51354 [2] with a pitch line velocity of 8.3 m/s can be used. These test rigs normally use dip lubrication or oil injection lubri-cation. Two spur gear units (test gear and drive gear)are connected by two parallel shafts. The great advan-tage of this closed power loop is that the engine only has to provide the power loss of the two gear boxes.  ……



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