
出版时间:2005-7  出版社:科学  作者:阮绩智主编  页数:331  


  中国加入WTO标志着中国对外开放进入到一个全新的阶段,也是中国经济逐渐融入世界经济的重要里程碑。作为一个发展中国家,在加入了WTO这个国际经贸大家庭后,中国面临着一个十分艰难的发展机遇和严峻的挑战。逼人的形势对从事或即将从事国际商务活动的人员的专业知识和外语素质提出越来越高的要求。为了适应新形势的需要,目前高等院校都开设了有关国际商务_的课程,而旨在培养既懂英语又懂国际商务的复合型人才的商务英语课程更加受到广泛重视,并且作为商务课程的主干课被相关院校普遍开设。本书的编写正是基于此需求。本课程是为了培养高等院校英语+专业(如国际贸易、国际金融、市场营销、电子商务及商务管理等)和专业+英语等复合型国际商务人才而专门开设的专门用途英语。  作为一本专门用途的商务英语教材,本书力求真实地反映国际商务所涉及的主要活动和环节,并注重训练国际商务活动中的各种相关语言表达方式和方法,培养商务交际活动中必要的语言综合基本技能,突出口语能力的训练,使学习者有效、快捷地提高商务英语技能。同时,本着“在商务环境中学习语言,通过语言提高商务知识和技能”的宗旨,本书提供各种商务英语情景及商务文化背景,让学习者有充分的机会将商务知识与技能和语言知识与技能融会贯通,为有效地从事国际商务沟通奠定良好的基础。  本书依据功能和情景相结合的原则选材和编写,突出语言交际功能和使用功能,注重语言技能与商务知识的密切结合,既重视语言和专业知识的输入,又强调语言综合技能的培养,突出语言的实践性,书中每一选题都来自商务活动,通过真实模拟商务活动场景,让学习者得以进入商务实践,引导学习者在不同的商务交际场合进行有效的商务沟通,在实践中获得技能的提升。本书具有以下主要特点。  1.全面性。本书包括了国际商务主要活动和环节,如申请工作、公司、商务电话、商务旅行、商务会议、商务演示、建立商务关系、询价与报价、价格磋商、支付条款、包装与运输、投诉与理赔、营销与销售、全球化及电子商务等。语言材料都经过精选,强调材料的新颖性、规范性及实用性。此外,各单元语言要点和词汇扩展列出大量相关常用表达法和词汇,帮助学习者举一反三,言之有物。




Unit 1 Applying for a Job
1.1 Listening Task
1.2 Speaking Task
1.3 Reading Task
1.4 Writing Task
1.5 Vocabulary & Notes
1.6 Language Focus
1.7 Follow-up Practice
1.8 Vocabulary Extension
Unit 2 Companies
2.1 Listening Task
2.1 Speaking Task
2.3 Reading Task
2.4 Writing Task
2.5 Vocabulary & Notes
2.6 Language Focus
2.7 Follow-up Practice
2.8 Vocabulary Extension
Unit 3 Business Calls
3.1 Listening Task
3.2 Speaking Task
3.3 Reading Task
3.4 Writing Task
3.5 Vocabulary & Notes
3.6 Language Focus
3.7 Follow-up Practice
3.8 Vocabulary Extension
Unit 4 Business Travel
4.1 Listening Task
4.2 Speaking Task
4.3 Reading Task
4.4 Writing Task
4.5 Vocabulary & Notes
4.6 Language Focus
4.7 Follow-up Practice
4.8 Vocabulary Extension
Unit 5 Business Meetings
5.1 Listening Task
5.2 Speaking Task
5.3 Reading Task
5.4 Writing Task
5.5 Vocabulary & Notes
5.6 Language Focus
5.7 Follow-up Practice
5.8 Vocabulary Extension
Unit 6 Business Presentations
6.1 Listening Task
6.2 Speaking Task
6.3 Reading Task
6.4 Writing Task
6.5 Vocabulary & Notes
6.6 Language Focus
6.7 Follow-up Practice
6.8 Vocabulary Extension
Unit 7 Establishing Business Relations
7.1 Listening Task
7.2 Speaking Task
7.3 Reading Task
7.4 Writing Task
7.5 Vocabulary & Notes
7.6 Language Focus
7.7 Follow-up Practice
7.8 Vocabulary Extension
Unit 8 Enquiries and Offers
8.1 Listening Task
8.2 Speaking Task
8.3 Reading Task
8.4 Writing Task
8.5 Vocabulary & Notes
8.6 Language Focus
8.7 Follow-up Practice
8.8 Vocabulary Extension
Unit 9 Negotiating the Price
9.1 Listening Task
9.2 Speaking Task
9.3 Reading Task
9.4 Writing Task
9.5 Vocabulary & Notes
9.6 Language Focus
9.7 Follow-up Practice
9.8 Vocabulary Extension
Unit 10 Terms of Payment
10.1 Listening Task
10.2 Speaking Task
10.3 Reading Task
10.4 Writing Task
10.5 Vocabulary & Notes
10.6 Language Focus
10.7 Follow-up Practice
10.8 Vocabulary Extension
Unit 11 Packing and Shipping
11.1 Listening Task
11.2 Speaking Task
11.3 Reading Task
11.4 Writing Task
11.5 Vocabulary & Notes
11.6 Language Focus
11.7 Follow-up Practice
11.8 Vocabulary Extension
Unit 12 Complaints and Adjustments
12.1 Listening Task
12.2 Speaking Task
12.3 Reading Task
12.4 Writing Task
12.5 Vocabulary & Notes
12.6 Language Focus
12.7 Follow-up Practice
12.8 Vocabulary Extension
Unit 13 Marketing and Sales
13.1 Listening Task
13.2 Speaking Task
13.3 Reading Task
13.4 Writing Task
13.5 Vocabulary & Notes
13.6 Language Focus
13.7 Follow-up Practice
13.8 Vocabulary Extension
Unit 14 Going Global
14.1 Listening Task
14.2 Speaking Task
14.3 Reading Task
14.4 Writing Task
14.5 Vocabulary & Notes
14.6 Language Focus
14.7 Follow-up Practice
14.8 Vocabulary Extension
Unit 15 E-commerce
15.1 Listening Task
15.2 Speaking Task
15.3 Reading Task
15.4 Writing Task
15.5 Vocabulary & Notes
15.6 Language Focus
15.7 Follow-up Practice
15.8 Vocabulary Extension


  "Products " are the things that you sell to people. You might also have a servicethat theyll pay for as your product. Products can range all of the way from goodspeople need every day to live, like milk, tuna or vegetables or they can be veryexpensive products, like a private jet. Having the right product for your target market( thats the people or businesses you want to sell to ) requires knowing what they needand want. This often involves research and development of a new product, research ofthe potential market, testing of the product to insure quality, and then introduction tothe market.  "Place "refers to how you get your product to your customer. Your product mightbe something that you produce or it could be something you never see or touch. Thatsquite possible if you have customers order through you and you arrange to have itdirectly shipped to them from the maker or a fulfillment center. There are a lot of waysto get your product to your customer, so its important to know if its something theywant to see and touch before they buy it. If so, youll probably want to order and stockit and sell it directly from your business. If its something they dont need to see beforebuying it, you need to make sure that its delivered promptly to them and is what theyexpected when they bought it.  " Price " is pretty self-explanatory but its very important to your success. Pricesomething too high and you may never sell a single item of it. Price it too low and youcan lose money on every sale once all of your costs of doing business are considered.So you want to price it attractively so that you can sell it to your clients and theyll feelgood about the purchase.




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