
出版时间:2006-4  出版社:科学出版社  作者:刘绍龙  页数:260  


  《英语词汇学习与发展模式研究》依据词汇发展的深度理论和实证调查揭示了我国大学课堂环境下英语词汇知识发展的基本规律和效率模式。本研究的动机源于对传统的外语词汇学习观(“记住一个单词的意义就意味着对这个单词的掌握”)的反思或再认识。我国外语学习的高投入和低效率使越来越多的人意识到,外语词汇的学习和发展是一个多维、渐进的系统工程,常用词汇的学习和掌握更是如此。基于这一理念,本书作者把英语常用词汇中的意义、前后缀、词性和搭配的 “深度”发展和“渐进”过程作为研究的重点对象。通过对研究数据的定量、定性分析,作者首次发现了我国(中学至大学的)英语学习者词汇发展的基本规律和(由高至低的)习得效率模式:1)词性 → 词义 → 词缀 → 搭配(接受性知识);2)词义 → 词性 → 词缀 → 搭配(产出性知识);3)接受性词汇知识习得效率明显高于产出性词汇知识,且两者的完全对应发展是极其困难的;4)英语母语者的(产出性)词汇搭配知识远远超过我国英语学习者。


序(Preface)AcknowledgementAbstractList of FiguresList of TablesList of AppendicesChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research of L2 Vocabulary1.2 Key research questions1.3 Content of remaining chaptersChapter 2 Previous studies on L2 word knowledge2.1 Overview2.2 Studies on word knowledge types2.3 Studies on“receptive”vs.“productive”word knowledge2.4 Studies on word knowledge measurement2.5 Studies on L2 vocabulary development2.6 Summary and conclusionsChapter 3 A theoretical framework of L2 word knowledge development3.1 Prior considerations3.2 L2 word knowledge development in the classroom setting:a conceptual framework3.3 Variables for investigation and their operational definitions3.4 Specific research questionsChapter 4 An empirical study and its process4.1 Research design4.2 Instrumentation4.3 Data collection4.4 Data preparation and analysisChapter 5 Results for the empirical study5.1 Quantitative results5.2 Qualitative resultsChapter 6 Findings, discussions and implications6.1 Major findings6.2 Acquisition of four types of word knowledge6.3 Distinction between receptive and productive knowledge revisited6.4 Similarities and differences in the acquisition of word knowledge types by L2 learners and the native speakers6.5 Development of knowledge about individual words in the classroom setting6.6 Theorizing acquisition of individual L2 words in the classroom setting6.7 Conclusions6.8 Recommendations for further researchReferencesAppendices中文附录一:论二语词汇深度习得及发展特征中文附录二:英语词汇知识的维间发展与习得特征中文附录三:论二语词汇的习得与发展




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