出版时间:2006-12 出版社:科学出版社 作者:海尔 页数:548 字数:647000
本书主要论述非刚性常微分方程。第一章介绍自牛顿、莱布尼兹、欧拉和哈密尔顿以来经典理论的历史发展,极限环及奇异吸引子。第二章用现代观念阐述龙格库塔方法和外插法,并讨论稠密输出的连续方法、并行龙格库塔方法、哈密尔顿系统的特殊方法、二阶常微分方程和时滞方程。第三章从多步方法的古典理论开始,论述变步长方法和Nordsieck方法及一般线性方法的理论。 本书包括非刚性问题在物理、化学、生物和天文中的应用,计算机程序及数值比较。 第二版中重写了某些章节,增加了新的内容。
作者:(瑞士)海尔 等
Chapter I. Classical Mathematical Theory I.1 Terminology I.2 The Oldest Differential Equations I.3 Elementary Integration Methods I.4 Linear Differential Equations I.5 Equations with Weak Singularities I.6 Systme of Equations I.7 A General Existence Theorem I.8 Existence Theory using Iteration Methods and Taylor Series I.9 Existence Theory for Systems of Equations I.10 Differential Inequalities I.11 Systems of Linear Differential Equations I.12 Systmes with Constant Coefficients I.13 Stability I.14 Derivatives with Respect ot Parameters and Initial Values I.15 boundary Value and Eigenvalue Problems I.16 Periodic Solutions, Limit Cycles, Strange AttractorsChapter II. Runge-Kutta and Extrapolation Methods II.1 The First Runge-Kutta Methods II.2 Order Conditions for Runge-Kutta Methods II.3 Error Estimation and Convergence for RK Methods II.4 Practical Error Estimation and Step Size Selection II.5 Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods of Higher Order II.6 Dense Output, Discontinuities, Derviatives II.7 Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods II.8 Asymptotic Expansion of the Golbal Error II.9 Extrapolation Methods II.10 Numerical Comparisons II.11 Parallel Methods II.12 Composition of B-Series II.13 Higher Derivative Methods II.14 Numerical Methods for Second Order Differential Equations II.15 P-Series for Partitioned Differential Equations II.16 Symplectic Integration Methods II.17 Delay Differential EquationsChapter III. Multistep Methods and General Linear Methods III.1 Classical Linear Multistep Formulas III.2 Local Error and Order Conditions III.3 Stability and the First Dahlquist Barrier III.4 Convergence of Multistep Methods III.5 Variable Step Size Multistep Muthods III.6 Nordisieck Methods III.7 Implementation and Numerical Comparisons III.8 General Linear Methods III.9 Asymptotic Expansion of the Global Error III.10 Multistep Methods for Second Order Differential EquationsAppendix. Fortran CodesBibliographySymbol IndexSubject Index