
出版时间:2006-3  出版社:科学出版社  作者:王建枝  页数:267  


本书是国内第一套改编自经典巩原版的医学教材,语言纯正,并保留原书图文并茂的特色,低价满足国内医药教育需求。本书由知名院士及资深教授参与改编,国外专家审定,内容和编排与教育部教学指导方案及全国规划教材一致,符合国内教学实际,适合双语教学,与国际医学教育接轨:既吸收原版教材之精华,又融入国内教材之经典,并有创新发展。 本书可供医药院校本科、长学制、研究生、留学生双语及全英文教学使用。




Chapter 1 Conspectus of Disease  Concept of Disease  Etiology of Disease  Pathogenesis of Disease  Outcome of DiseaseChapter 2 Water and Electrolytes Balanc and Imbalance  Water and Sodium Balance and Imbalance   Water and Sodium Balance  Total Fluid Volume and Distribution  Body Fluid Composition  Osmolality of the Body FluidsWater Balance  Mechanisms for Regulation of Body Fluidand Electrolyte Balance  Disorders of Sodium and Water Metabolism  Hyponatremia  Hypernatremia  Isotonic Dehydration  Edema  Disorder of Potassium Metabolism  Normal Potassium Metabolism  Internal Potassium Distribution  Regulation of Potassium Homeostasis  Physiological Function of Potassium  Disorders of Potassium Metabolism  Hypokalemia and Potassium Deficiency   Hyperkalemia  Disturbances of Magnesium Metabolism   Normal Metabolism and Function of Magnesium  Intake and Excretion  Regulation of Magnesium Balance  Distribution and Content of Magnesium   Function of Magnesium  Hypomagnesemia  Definition  Etiology and Pathogenesis   Alterations of Metabolism and Function   Pathophysiology Basis of Prevention and  Treatment  Hypermagnesemia  Definition  Etiology and Pathogenesis  Alterations of Metabolism and Function   Pathophysiology Basis of Prevention andTreatment  Disorders of Calcium and Phosphorus Meta-bolism  Calcium and Phosphorus Homeostasis  Calcium and Phosphorus Intake and Excretion  Content and Distribution of Calcium and  Phosphorus within the Body  Regulation of Internal Calcium and Phosphorus Balance  Regulation of Intracellular Calcium and  Phosphorus Balance  Function of Calcium and Phosphorus  Hypocalcemia  Definition  Etiology and Pathogenesis   Alteration of Metabolism and Function  Pathophysiological Basis of Prevention andTreatment  Hypercalcemia  Definition  Etiology and Pathogenesis  Alteration of Metabolism and Function  Pathophysiological Basis of Prevention andTreatment  Hypophosphaternia  Definition   Etiology and Pathogenesis  Alteration of Metabolism and Function   Pathophysiological Basis of Prevention andTreatment  Hyperphosphatemia  Definition  Etiology and Pathogenesis  Alteration of Metabolism and Function   Pathophysiological Basis of Prevention andTreatment  Case PresentationChapter3 Acid-Base Balance and ImbalanceChapter4 FeverChapter5 StressChapter6 HypoxiaChapter7 ShockChapter8 Disturbances of HemostasisChapter9Ischemia-Reperfusion InjuryChapter10 Signal Transduction and the Related DisordersChapter11 Abnormal Cell Proliferation,Differentiation and Relater DisasesChapter12 Apoptosis and Related DiseasesChapter13 Hear FailureChapter14 Respiratory FailureChapter15 Hepatic FailureChapter16 Renal FailureChapter17 Brain DysfunctionChapter18 Multiple Organ DysfunctionChapter19 Metabolic SyndromeEnglish-Chinese Comparison


《医学英文原版改编双语教材•病理生理学(双语版)》以外文Pathophysiology of disease为基础,结合中国病理生理学教学大纲及教学内容和顺序编写一本供中国医科学校的学生使用的病理生理学教科书。特别是提供给英文班教学使用及双语教学使用。《医学英文原版改编双语教材•病理生理学(双语版)》系统介绍疾病的发生机理及其机能调节。



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用户评论 (总计22条)


  •   对于病理生理方面感兴趣的不妨买此书翻翻看看,中科院教材建设专家委员会规划的教材不会差的.
  •   我还是觉得这本书挺不错的,虽然是根据原版改编的,但是用词什么的还是比较讲究的。我觉得这个还是比较划算的
  •   基本上都是全英文的,书的外包装都很好,里边书页的质量都很好,很赞,很喜欢。开始我的医学英语之旅喽,开心哦
  •   编写的不错,基本是全英文的插图内容都很不错!
  •   非常喜欢这套书 因为非常不容易找到 希望提高自己的英文 考研成功
  •   现在这书降价了,便宜!而且质量好!
  •   价格嘛,那是相当的到位给力喽,折上折
  •   学生用书很好很强大
  •   我还想说两句(不能少于5个字,10个字及以上才送积分哟~)我还想说两句(不能少于5个字,10个字及以上才送积分哟~)
  •   一直在当当买书,越买越实惠
  •   英语教材,应该比国内写的英语教材要好!
  •   给了我们很大方便
  •   问题是文不对题,从哪里可以看出双语了!哈哈哈~
  •   我还以为一半英文一半中文哪,唉
  •   其余的指标都好。
  •   双语,我理解成了一半英一半翻译,想为以后看英语书打下点基础,没想全是英文的,根本看不懂,因为用了卷,不能退货,算啦
  •   这一系列书上明确标有,双语版,就是封面和封底是中文,中间全部是英文影印。这真是一套有创意的中国特色的书。强烈称赞著名的主编名人,他们真是人材,自主创新。对亚马逊的服务非常满意。
  •   I bought this book for the price of it. Even though it covers the concepts of pathophysiology, each chapter is actually an article written by different Chinese professors. There are plenty of gramatical and typographical errors (though I have to say the medical concepts are sound).In one chapter, "trachea notch" was misspelled as "rachea crotch". Not something that one would expect from a university level textbook.The poor grammar prevalent in the text makes poor reading, and it does not help that pathophysiology is a subject that requires more understanding than rote m...emorization.I highly recommend against this book. 阅读更多 ›
  •   我买了两本“双语版”,买回来一看是纯英文,并且印刷质量像盗版。亚马逊,你不自己看看再放上去吗?砸自己牌子
  •   人才啊!真是群冤死!
  •   本人想买一本书看,打开预览看了一下,失望的很。就像把一幅名画乱涂后的感觉,当然乱涂者有好处,稿费外,还要算自己的绩效,当然还有名。还是高教引进了不少原味的教材,可惜医学口的少之又少。
  •   帮留学生买的这本书,据说用起来不错。

250万本中文图书简介、评论、评分,PDF格式免费下载。 第一图书网 手机版
