
出版时间:2006-3  出版社:科学出版社  作者:陈树宝 编  页数:362  字数:921000  


本书是国内第一套改编自经典巩原版的医学教材,语言纯正,并保留原书图文并茂的特色,低价满足国内医药教育需求。本书由知名院士及资深教授参与改编,国外专家审定,内容和编排与教育部教学指导方案及全国规划教材一致,符合国内教学实际,适合双语教学,与国际医学教育接轨:既吸收原版教材之精华,又融入国内教材之经典,并有创新发展。 本书可供医药院校本科、长学制、研究生、留学生双语及全英文教学使用。


Chapter 1 The Scope of PediatricsChapter 2 Child Growth and Development  Child physical growth  Common growth concerns  Development and behavior  Adolescence growth and development  Adolescence behavior and psychological healthChapter 3 Child Health Care  Guideline for childhood and adolescence health care  Planned immunizationChapter 4 Childhood Nutrition and Nutritional Disorders  Nutritional requirements  Infant feeding  Nutrition support  Malnutrition (undernutrition)  Obesity  Vitamin D deficiencyChapter 5 The Newborn Infant  Overview  Characteristics of full term infant and  premature infant  Care of the well new-born infant  Care of preterm infant  Perinatal asphyxia  Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy  Intracranial hemorrhage  Hyaline membrane disease  Meconium aspiration syndrome  Infections in the newborn infant  Jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn  Hemolytic disease of the newbornChapter 6 Genetic and Metabolic Diseases  Genetic disease  Inborn errors of metabolismChapter 7 Immunodefieieney Diseases  Development of the immune system   Immunodeficiency diseases  Investigation of immunodeficiencyChapter 8 Rheumatic Diseases  Rheumatic fever  Juvenile rheurnatoid arthritis  Anaphylactoid purpura (Henochschonleinpurpura)  Kawasaki diseaseChapter 9 Infectious Diseases  Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)  Measles (rubeola)  Poliomyelitis  Varicella (chickenpox)  Infectious mononucleosis (Epstein-Barrvirus)  Mumps  Shigellosis (bacillary dysentery)  Tuberculosis  Candidiasis  Cryptococcosis  Enterobiasis (pinworms)  Ascariasis  HookwormChapter 10 Gastrointestinal Tract  Structure of the gastrointestinal tract   Diagnostic modalities in gastroenterology  Gastroesophageal reflux  Peptic diseases  Acute infectious diarrhea (gastroenterifis)  Chronic diarrheaChapter 11 Diseases of the Respiratory-system  Growth and develepment  Assessment of respiratory disease  Acute upper respiratory infections   Acute pharyngitis  Acute bronchitis  Bronchiolitis  Pneumonia  AsthmaChapter 12 Cardiovascular Diseases Chapter 13 Kidney and Urinary TractChapter 14 Hematologic DisordersChapter 15 Neurologic and Muscular DisordersChapter 16 Disease of the Endocrine SystemChapter 17 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acidbase Disorders and TherapyChapter 18 Critical CareChapter 19 Information Technology in PediatricsEngiish-Chinese Vocabulary






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  •   学儿科的同学不妨看一看啊,有用
  •   以为是双语,没想到是全英文,而且就是很书面的翻译,有点low
  •   没有原版的经典,但是价格比原版便宜很多阿。
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  •   明明没有中文,非要说双语版,就说纯英文不就行了,真是够有欺骗性质了,服了。
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  •   这本书还真的是书不错
  •   英文的儿科学不多,这本还好吧

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