
出版时间:2008-9  出版社:科学出版社  作者:周宏灏  页数:436  




SECTION I Basic Principles   Chapter 1  Introduction   Chapter 2  Pharmaeokinetics   Chapter 3  Pharmacodynamics   Chapter 4  Principles of Therapeutics & Evaluation of New Drugs   Chapter 5  Gene TherapySECTION lI  Autonomic Drugs   Chapter 6  Introduction to Autonomic Pharmacology   Chapter 7  Cholinoceptor-Activating Drugs   Chapter 8  Cholinoceptor-Blocking Drugs   Chapter 9  Anticholinesterase Drugs & Cholinesterase Reactivators                                         Chapter 10  Adrenoceptor-Activating & Other Sympathomimetic                                      Chapter 11  Adrenoceptor Antagonist Drugs   Chapter 12  Local AnestheticsSECTION HI  Drugs that Act in the Central Nervous System                                     Chapter 13  Drugs that Act in the Central Nervous System   Chapter 14  General Anesthetics   Chapter 15  Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs   Chapter 16  Drugs for Psychiatric Disorders   Chapter 17  Antiseizure Drugs   Chapter 18  Drugs for the Treatment of Parkinsonism & Other Movement Disorders   Chapter 19  Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, Nonopioid Analgesics ,Antirheumatic Drugs, & Drugs Used in Gout    Chapter 20  Opioid Analgesics & Drugs of AbuseSECTION IV  Cardiovascular-Renal Drugs   Chapter 21  Calcium Channel-Blocking Drugs   Chapter 22  Drugs Used in Angina Pectoris   Chapter 23  Antihypertensive Agents   Chapter 24  Basic Pharmacology of Drugs Used in Heart Failure   Chapter 25  Agents Used in Cardiac Arrhythmias   Chapter 26  Agents Used in Hypedipidemia   Chapter 27  DiureticsSECTION V  Drugs for Digestive Disorders                      & Respiratory Disorders                      & Acting on the Uterine Smooth Muscle   Chapter 28  Drugs for Digestive Disoders   Chapter 29  Drugs for Respiratory Disorders   Chapter 30  Drugs Acting on the Uterine Smooth MuscleSECTION VI  Endocrine Drugs   Chapter 31  Hypothalamie & Pituitary Hormones   Chapter 32  Adrenocorticosteroids & Anrenocortical Antagonists   Chapter 33  Thyroid & Antithyroid Drugs   Chapter 34  Pancreatic Hormones & Antidiabetic Drugs   Chapter 35  The Gonadal Hormones & Inhibitors   Chapter 36  Agents that Affect Bone Mineral HomeostasiSECTION Ⅶ  Autocoids & Anti-Autocoid Drugs   Chapter 37  Histamine & Antihistamine Drugs   Chapter 38  Serotonin Analogs & Anti-Serotonin DrugsSECTION Ⅷ  Drugs Acting on the Blood & the Blood-Forming Organs      Chapter39  Antianemia Drugs         Chapter 40  Drugs Used in Disorders of Coagulation    SECTION IX  Drugs that Act in the Immune System       Chapter 41   Immunopharmacology         SECTION X  Chemotherapeutic Drugs              Chapter 42  Antimicrobial Agents            Chapter 43  Beta-Lactam Antibiotics & Other Inhibitors of Cell Wall Synthesis             Chapter 44  Aminoglycosides & Spectin- omycin   Chapter 45  Macrolides, Clindamycin & Polypeptide Antibiotics        Chapter 46  Tetracyclines & Chloramphenicol   Chapter 47  Artificial Synthetic Antibacterial Drugs             Chapter 48  Antimycobacterial Drugs         Chapter 49  Antifungal Agents   Chapter 50  Antiviral Agents   Chapter 51  Antiparasitic Drugs   Chapter 52  Cancer ChemotherapyEnglish-Chinese Vocabulary






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