出版时间:2005-11 出版社:科学出版社 作者:李生才 王亚军 黄平 页数:2368
PART A SECTION ONE THEORIES AND METHODS OF SAFETY SCIENCE Study on Application Instance of KOSHA 18001 to Construction Firms Grey Relation Analysis for Calamity Accident Factors of Chemical Plant The Application of Grey Preadicion Model on Safety Target Value Study on the Raman Spectra of Dimethy1 Ether Hydrate and Its Thermal Stabiligy Development of a Safety Crieria Framework for Railway Software Systems A Simple Blast Evaluation Method for Nonuniform Diffused Vapor Analysis Model and Method for Reducing the Risk of Gesture Recongnition in Human-robot Communicatons Verification of Process Fault Diagnostic Fuzzy Expert System Satety Assessment System for Chinese Airlines Cases Study of Safety Assessment System for Chinese Airlines Safety Evaluation of City's Gas Pipelines Based on Aritifcail Neural Network Primary Components Analysis and its Application in the Investigation of Disastrous Accidents Research of Nonlinear Dynamic Safety Assessment of Coal Mines Based on Artificial Neural Network Analytic Hierarchy Process of Human Error Casual Factors in Comples System Countermeasure Against Aviation Accident Based on Three-Level Model TOPSIS for Safety Synthetic Evaluation and Application Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation of Satety in Colliery Transportation System Based on Entropy Weight Basic Research of Rheology and Catastrophe Theory and Safety Science Theory Analytical Model and Algorithm of Fuzzy Fault Tree …… SECTION TWO THEORIES AND METHODS OF SAFETY SCIENCE SECTION THREE THEORIES AND METHODS OF SAFETY SCIENCEPART B