
出版时间:2005-7  出版社:科学出版社  作者:贾艳敏 主编  页数:231  字数:355000  


  专业英语是大学英语教学的一个重要组成部分,是促进学生们完成从英语学习过渡到实际应用的有效途径。学习专业英语可以培养学生以英语为工具交流专业知识的能力。  本书所涉及的内容包括:力学、建筑材料、测量、工程结构荷载、结构设计、钢结构、钢筋混凝土结构、预应力混凝土结构、土木工程施工、基础工程、高层建筑、道路与桥梁、工程管理、计算机在土木工程中的应用、科技写作等方面。通过学习这本教材,学生们不仅可以熟悉和掌握土木工程专业常用的及与专业有关的单词、词组及其用法,而且可以深化本专业的知识,从而为今后的学习和工作打下良好的基础。  全书由50篇课文组成,其中30篇课文有参考译文。本书选材广泛,内容丰富,语言规范,难度适中,便于自学。  本书由东北林业大学贾艳敏担任主编,参加编写的有郭红雨、徐莲净、舒展、刘哲、韩安凤、陈宇。本书由哈尔滨工业大学施平担任主审。  由于编者水平有限,书中难免有不足和欠妥之处,恳请广大读者批评指正。


本书为土木工程专业英语。内容包括:力学、建筑材料、测量、工程结构荷载、结构设计、钢结构、土木工程施工、高层建筑、道路与桥梁等方面。    本书可作为高等院校土木工程专业本科教材,也可作为土木工程专业技术人员学习专业英语之参考书。




Lesson 1 Simple Stress and StrainLesson 2 Stress-Strain Relationship of MaterialsLesson 3 BeamsLesson 4 Durability of ConcerteLesson 5 Reinforcing Steels for ConcreteLesson 6 Concrete BlockLesson 7 The Choice of Building MaterialsLesson 8 Surveying EngineeringLesson 9 Loading ConditionsLesson 10 Loads on Building FoundationsLesson 11 Loads,Strength,and Structural SafetyLesson 12 Design of Simple StructuresLesson 13 Structural AnalysisLesson 14 Safety of StructuresLesson 15 Structural ReliabilityLesson 16 Properties of Structural SteelLesson 17 Steel StructuresLesson 18 Design of Steel MembersLesson 19 Reinforced ConcreteLesson 20 ColumnsLesson 21 Flexure of Reinforced Concrete BeamsLesson 22 Reinforced Concrete StructuresLesson 23 Prestressed and Partially Prestressed Concrete MembesrLesson 24 Full Versus Partial Prestressing ConcreteLesson 25 Conveying,Placing,Compacting,and Curing of ConcreteLesson 26 FormsLesson 27 EarthworkLesson 28 Planning TechniquesLesson 29 Scheduling and Control of ConstructionLesson 30 Quality Control and Quality AssuranceLesson 31 Tests on Completion and Employer's Taking-OverLesson 32 Plant ManagementLesson 33 Soil Mechanics in Foundation EngineeringLesson 34 Introduction to Geotechnical EngineeringLesson 35 FoundationsLesson 36 Footings and FoundationsLesson 37 PilesLesson 38 Tall Building StructureLesson 39 Design Criteria for Tall BuildingsLesson 40 Flexible Pavement DesignLesson 41 BridgesLesson 42 Bridge TypesLesson 43 Prestressed Concrete BridgesLesson 44 Bidding,Bid Opening and Award of ContractLesson 45 Company OrganizationLesson 46 Contract Price and PaymentLesson 47 Contractual DocumentsLesson 48 Three-Dimensional CAD ModelsLesson 49 How to Write a Scientific PaperLesson 50 Introduction to Technical WritingGlossary参考译文参考文献


  Extension of validity of bids should normally not be requested; in exceptionalcircumstances, if an extension is required, it should be requested of all bidders before theexpiration date. Bidders should have the right to refuse to grant such an extension withoutforfeiting their bid bond, but those who are willing to extend the validity of their bid shouldbe neither required nor permitted to modify their bids.  It is undesirable that information relating to the examination, clarification, and evaluationof bids and recommendations concerning awards be communicated after the public opening ofbids to bidders or to persons not officially concerned with these procedures until the award ofa contract to the successful bidder is announced.  No bidder should be permitted to alter his bid after bid has been opened. Onlyclarifications not changing the substance of the bid may be accepted. The borrower may askany bidder for a clarification of his bid but should not ask any bidder to change the substanceor price of his bid.




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