出版时间:2007-1 出版社:科学出版社 作者:李生秀 页数:1017
Introduction to Dryland Agriculture in Dhina、Types of Dryland Agriculture in China、Main Characteristics of the Climates、Topography,Landform and Geomorphologic Features of Dryland Areas in China、Vegetation in Dryland Areas of China、Soils in Dryland Areas、Water Resources and Water-Saving Agriculture in Dryland Areas of China、Wind Erosion and Desertification、Water Erosion Control、Nitrogen in Dryland Soils and Its Management、Management of Dryland Phosphorus and Sulfur。
ForewordPrefaceChapter 1 Introduction to Dryland Agriculture in DhinaChapter 2 Types of Dryland Agriculture in ChinaChapter 3 Main Characteristics of the ClimatesChapter 4 Topography,Landform and Geomorphologic Features of Dryland Areas in ChinaChapter 5 Vegetation in Dryland Areas of ChinaChapter 6 Soils in Dryland AreasChapter 7 Water Resources and Water-Saving Agriculture in Dryland Areas of ChinaChapter 8 Wind Erosion and DesertificationChapter 9 Water Erosion ControlChapter 10 Nitrogen in Dryland Soils and Its ManagementChapter 11 Management of Dryland Phosphorus and SulfurChapter 12 Management of Potassium,Iron and Micronut-rients and Trace Beneficial Elements in Dryland SoilsChapter 13 Prescription for Fertilization in Dryland Regions of ChinaChapter 14 The Interaction of Nutrint and Water on Dryland Crop ProductionChapter 15 Comprehensive Management of Nutrients of Drylands for Full Use of WaterChapter 16 Water Movement in Dryland SoilChapter 17 Conservation and Efficient Use Water by Conventional Farming SystemsChapter 18 Moisture Conservation and Utilization MulchingChapter 19 Crop Resistance to Drought and Its Use in Practice of Dryland AgricultureChapter 20 Planting and Sowing Systems in Dryland AreasChapter 21 Pest ControlChapter 22 Strategies for Development of Dryland Agriculture ReferencesAppendix 1 Some geographical names(spellings)used in the literature and at present (standardized)Appendix 2 Agricultural Regions in ChinaIndex