
出版时间:2005-3  出版社:英语教程科学  作者:何祖佳 编  页数:201  


本书是根据教育部《高职高专教育英语课程基本要求》和全国医学专业英语教学大纲的精神组织编写的,供已完成高职高专基础英语学习的护理专业学生继续学习专业英语使用。    本书共15个单元,每个单元围绕一个主题,由学习目标、课文部分及其读前提问、生词、注释、练习及阅读材料组成,内容新颖,题材广泛,紧扣医院实际护理活动,充分体现了现代护理英语的特点,突出了现代护理科学的特色。特别对话部分以医护情景为题材,以护士为主要角色,句子浅显实用;精心设计了医护应用文写作练习,突出了医护应用文的阅读与写作训练。课文参考最新原版图书,语言地道,实用性强。书后增设6项附录,便于查阅。文章难易适中,编排循序渐进,便于教学。    本书适用于具有英语基础知识的护理专业学生使用,也可供在职护理人员学习专业英语使用。


Unit One  Dialogue: In the Out-patient Department  Text: The Role as a Nurse  Supplementary reading: Observing the Code of Ethics for NursesUnit Two  Dialogue: In the Emergency Room  Text: Nursing Process  Supplementary reading: Nursing Process-Guarantee of Quality CareUnit Three  Dialogue: In the Admission Office  Text: Nursing Diagnosis  Supplementary reading: Patient Plan of CareUnit Four  Dialogue: Receiving New Patient  Text: The Human Body  Supplementary reading: Physical ExaminationUnit Five  Dialogue: Morning Care  Text: Growth and Development  Supplementary reading: The Patient and His NeedsUnit Six  Dialogue : Checking Temperature, Pulse Rate and Respiration  Text: Vital Signs  Supplementary reading: Measuring Vital SingsUnit Seven  Dialogue: Clinical Examination  Text: The Germ Theory of Disease  Supplementary reading: The Human Body as a FortressUnit Eight  Dialogue: Before an Operation  Text: Infection Control  Supplementary reading:Standard PreeautionsUnit Nine  Dialogue:How to Get Specimen for Urine Culture  Text:Specimen Collection  Supplementary reading:Proeedure In CoUecting a 24-Hour Urine SpecimenUnit Ten  Dialogue:Please Take the Medicine Now  Text:Pharmacology  Supplementary reading:Drug Interactions and Adverse EffectsUnit Eleven  Dialogue:Dietary Care  Text:Nutrition for the Patient  Supplementary reading:NutritionUnit Twelve  Dialogue:In the ICU  Text:Emergency Care  Supplementary reading:Hemorrhage and ShockUnit Thirteen  Dialogue:In the Obstetric Ward  Text:Common Disorders of the Reproductive System and Related Care  Supplementary reading:HIV InfectionUnit Fourteen  Dialogue:Nursing Shift Report  Text:The Nervous System and Related Caye  Supplemeritary reading:The BrainUnit Fifteen  Dialogue:Discharge  Text:Care of the Surgical Patient  Supplementary reading:SurgeryAppendix I Glossary(词汇表)AppendixⅡ  Depsirtment of a Hospital(医院科室)AppendixⅢ  Medical Equipment(医疗器械)AppendixⅣ  Commoil Disessgs(常见病)Appendix Ⅴ  The Names of Commonly-used Medicines(常用药物)AppendixⅥ  Abbreviations(缩略语)



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