
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:科学出版社  作者:王鸿祯  页数:485  字数:960000  




卷首图片前言古生物(Palaeontology) Notes on Some Permian Rugose Corals from Timor A Revision of the Zoantharia Rugosa in the Light of Their Minute Skeletal Structures 论四射珊瑚微细骨骼构造的基本形式 四射珊瑚亚纲的骨骼构造与系统分类 四射珊瑚的组合、演化阶段与生物古地理 Microskeletal Structures and Classification of Rugose Corals地层及古地理(Stratigraphy and Palaeogeography) The Stratigraphical Position of the Devonian Fish-bearing Series of Eastern Yunnan with a  Special Discussion on the Tiaomachien Formation of Central Hunan 论中国地层分区 Proterozoic Stratigraphy and Tectonic Framework of China 中国古地理图集说明书--总论 论中国前寒武纪地质时代及年代地层的划分 The Tectono-palaeogeography and Biogeography of China and Adjacent Regions in the Carboniferous Period A Scheme of the Hierarchy for Sequence Stratigraphy 关于国际(年代)地层表与中国地层区划 Problems of Sequence Stratigraphy in China大地构造(Geotectonics) Megastages in the Tectonic Development of Asia 中国东部及邻区中、新生代盆地发育及大陆边缘区的构造发展 Geotectonic Development of China 中国及邻区大地构造划分和构造发展阶段 中国古大陆边缘与大地构造名词体系 An Outline of the Tectonic Evolution of China Pangaea Cycles,Earth's Rhythms and Possible Earth Expansion地质学史(History of Geology) A Brief Historical Review of the Classification of the Precambrian 中国地质学发展简史 Some Aspects of the History of Geology in Southeast Asia Professor Amadeus William Grabau(1870 -1946)-A Respected Teacher and Beloved Friend of Chinese Geologists 中国地质科学50年的简要回顾 五十年来中国地层学研究的进展 80年来中国地层古生物学学科发展的简要回顾附录1  王鸿祯教授生平附录2  王鸿祯教授著作目录



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