
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:科学出版社  作者:(美)liotteRustyHarold编  页数:1071  字数:1315000  


本书简单回顾了XML基础知识,重点介绍了用Java处理的XML应用程序,包括简单XML应用程序、文档对象模型和JDOM等。    本书通俗易懂,便于读者掌握用Java处理XML的技术,适用于Java程序员和自学者。


List of ExamplesList of FiguresPrefaceWho You Are  What You Need to Know  What You Need to HaveHow to Use This BookThe Online EditionSome Grammatical NotesContacting the AuthorAcknowledgmentsPart I XML  Chapter 1 XML for Data    Motivation XML      A Thought Experiment      Robustness      Extensibility      Ease-of-Use    XML Syntax      XML Documents      XML Applications      Elements and Tags      Text      Attributes      XML Declaration      Comments      Processing Instructions      Entities      Namespaces    Validity      DTDs      Schemas      Schematron      The Last Mile    Stylesheets      CSS      Associating Stylesheets with XML Documents      XSL    Summary  Chapter 2 XML Protocols:XML-RPC and SOAP    XML as a Message Format      Envelopes      Data Representation    HTTP as a Transport Protocol      How HTTP Works      HTTP in Java    RSS    Customizing the Request      Query Strings      How HTTP POST Works    XML-RPC      Data Structures      Faults      Validating XML-RPC    SOAP      A SOAP Example      Posting SOAP Documents      Faults      Encoding Styles      SOAP Headers      SOAP Limitations      Validating SOAP      Custom Protocols      Summary  ……Part II SAXPart III DOMPart IV JDOMPart V XPath/XSLTPart IV AppendixesBooksSpecificationsIndex



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