
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:科学出版社  作者:[美]Hassan Gomaa  页数:785  字数:972000  


本书对UML在并行分布实时系统开发中的应用作了详细、全面的介绍,尤其对面向对象方法解决此类系统有的问题作了有针对性的讲解。主要内容包括OO软件工程的生命周期、用案建模技术在嵌入式系统中的应用、静态和动态分析建模、对象和类的构建、有限状态机和状态表、分布对象技术、并行系统的架构设计,等等。    本书适用于并行分布式实时系统开发人员和自学者。


Foreword by Peter FreemanForeword by Bran SelicPrefacePart 1 UML Notation, Design Concepts, Technology, Life Cycles, and Methods  1 Introduction  2 Overview of UML Notation  3 Software Design and Architecture Concepts  4 Concurrent and Distributed System Technology  5 Software Life Cycles and MethodsPart 2 COMET: Concurrent Object Modeling and Architectural Design with UML  6 Overview of COMET  7 Use Case Modeling  8 Static Modeling  9 Object and Class Structuring  10 Finite State Machines and Statecharts  11 Dynamic Modeling  12 Software Architecture Design  13 Architectural Design of Distributed Applications  14 Task Structuring  15 Class Design  16 Detailed Software Design  17 Performance Analysis of Concurrent Real-Time Software DesignsPart 3 Case Studies in Concurrent, Distributed, and Real-Time Application Design  18 Elevator Control System Case Study  19 Banking System Case Study  20 Cruise Control and Monitoring System Case Study  21 Distributed Factory Automation System Case Study  22 Electronic Commerce System Case StudyAppendix A Conventions and Alternative NotationsGlossaryBibliographyIndex




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