出版时间:2004-1  出版社:科学出版社  作者:David Carlson  页数:333  字数:422000  


本书通过一个大型综合应用实例,讲解如何将XML和UML结合,创建动态的Web应用程序,实现最优的B2B应用集成。全书共分12章,讨论了XML词汇表的设计与可视化分析,探讨了从XML词汇表生成DTD和Schema语言的过程,以及企业级集成和门户的设计方法。每章都附有一个“成功之路”,向读者提供了规划设计阶段的一些重要提示和值得注意的问题。    本书适用于Web系统和电子商务领域的系统分析师、事务分析师以及专业设计人员,对于XML和UML的初学者,本书也囊括了相关的概念和应用方法。


ForewordPrefacePart 1 Foundations  Chapter 1 Convergence of Communities    Models for e-Business    Stakeholder Communities    Road Map for This Book    Steps for Success  Chapter 2 What Is an XML Application?    HTML, XML, and XHTML    XML Vocabularies    XML Presentation    Chapter Summary    Steps for Success  Chapter 3 What Is a UML Model?    Models and Views    Requirements Workflow    Analysis Workflow    Design Workflow    The Unified Process    Chapter Summary    Steps for Success  Chapter 4 e-Business Integration with XML    Use Case Analysis    Shared Business Vocabularies    Process Workflow and Messaging    Application Integration    Chapter Summary    Steps for Success  Chapter 5 Building Portals with XML    Use Case Analysis    Content Management    Portal Design    Wired and Wireless Convergence    Chapter Summary    Steps for SuccessPart 2 XML Vocabularies  Chapter 6 Modeling XML Vocabularies    CatML Vocabulary?    Mapping UML to XML    Disassembling UML Objects into XML    Roots and Broken Branches    Packaging Vocabularies    Chapter Summary    Steps for Success  Chapter 7 From Relationships to Hyperlinks    Expanded CatML Vocabulary    XML Standards for Linking    A Hyperlinked CatML Vocabulary    Chapter Summary    Steps for Success  Chapter 8 XML DTDs and Schemas    The Role of an XML Schema    XML Document Type Definition    WзC XML Schema    Replacement or Coexistence?    Chapter Summary    Steps for Success  Chapter 9 Generating XML Schemas from the UML    Principles of Schema Generation    Generating DTDs    Generating WзC XML Schemas    Controlling Schema Strictness    Chapter Summary    Steps for SuccessPart 3 DEPLOYMENT  Chapter 10 Vocabulary Transformation    Reasons for XML Transformation    Introduction to XSLT    Integration to XSLT    Integrating CatML with RosettaNet    Importing a RosettaNet Dictionary    Exporting a RosettaNet Sales Catalog    Chapter Summary    Steps for Success    Bibliography  Chapter 11 B2B Portal Presentation    Portal Analysis Model    Transforming XML Documents into Portlets    A Portlet for Product Display    A Portlet for Promotional Discounts    Chapter Summary    Steps for Success  Chapter 12 e-Business Architecture    Requirements for e-Business Architecture    Deploying Web Services    CatX Component Architecture    Chapter Summary    Steps for SuccessAppendix A Reuse of FpML VocabularyAppendix B MOF and XMIAppendix C UML Profile for XMLReferencesIndex



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