
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:科学出版社  作者:唐纳森 (ScottE.Donaldson StanleyG.Siegel)  页数:703  字数:718000  


本书围绕一种成熟的软件开发模型——SEE,以案例学习的方式讲述了软件开发全过程中涉及的一系列问题,内容包括:业务实例、项目规划、软件开发、变更控制、产品和过程评审、文化变更和过程改进规划等。    本书内容翔实,案例丰富,条理清晰,不仅可作为高等院校研究生或本科生软件工程类的教材,还适合在软件企业对开发及项目管理人员的培训中使用。


PrefaceAuthors' BiographiesScience Applications International CorporationAcknowledgmentsChapter 1  Business Case    1.1 Introduction    1.2 Business Case Key Ideas    1.3 What Makes Good Business Sense?    1.4 Software Systems Development Concepts    1.5 Product "Goodness" and Process "Goodness"    1.6 Requisite Software Systems Development Disciplines    1.7 Generic Four-Stage Software Systems    1.8 User, Buyer, and Seller Organizations Involved in Software Systems Development    1.9 Obstacles to Improving Software Systems Development Cultures    1.10 Alternative Approaches to Software Systems Improvement    1.11 Preview of the Rest of BookChapter 2 Project Planning Process  2.1 Introduction  2.2 Project Planning Key Ideas  2.3 Life Cycle Role in Project Planning  2.4 Ideal, Real, and Realistic Project Planning  2.5 Risk Assessment and Project Planning  2.6 Project Planning Process  2.7 Project Plan Contents  2.8 Project Planning SummaryChapter 3 Software Systems Development Process  3.1 Introduction  3.2 Software Systems Development Process Key Ideas  3.3 Software Systems Development Process Overview  3.4 Customer  3.5 Seller Process Engineering Group  3.6 Customer/Seller Development Team and Change Control Board (CCB)  3.7 Seller Senior Management  3.8 Software Systems Development Process SummaryChapter 4 Change Control Process  4.1 Introduction  4.2 Change Control Process Key Ideas  4.3 Planned and Unplanned Change  4.4 The Processing of Changes  4.5 Examination of the Change Control Board  4.6 Paperwork Support of the Change Control Board  4.7 Change Control Process SummaryChapter 5 Product and Process Reviews……Chapter 6 MeasurementChapter 7 Cultural ChangeChapter 8 Process Improvement PlanningAppendix A How to Measure Strategic Information Management (SIM)Appendix B List of FiguresAppendix C List of Tables



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