
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:科学出版社  作者:拉尔夫·R·扬 (RalphR.Young)  页数:359  字数:364000  


本书从管理和技术两个角度,以案例方式阐述了软件项目中与需求分析相关的各种问题,力图让读者能够对需求分析的框架体系和过程形成较为清晰的认识,在实践中准确了解客户的业务需求,正确调配各种资源,更加准确地把握项目的方向,保证整个项目的成功。    本书内容丰富翔实,实用性强,适合作为高等学校本科生和研究生的软件工程类教材,同时也可供软件企业对开发和项目管理人员进行培训使用。


List of Figures xiForeword xvPreface xviiAcknowledgments xxiiiPART I BACKGROUD   CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION     The State of the Industry Today     The Need to Use Effective Requirements Practices     The Requiements Process      What Is a Process?      What Is the Requirements Process?    Benefits of a Process Approach    Pitfalls of Using a Process Approach    About This Book      Roles      Key Terms      A Requirements Taxonomy      Systems and Software Engineers      Intended Audience      Reconnemded Mind-set for Readers of This Book      The"Team,"the "Project,"and the "Project Manager"      Footnotes in This Book      Key References and Suggested Readings    Upcoming Topics    Summary    Key References and Suggested ReadingsPART II RECOMMENDED REQUIREMENTS PRACTICES   CHAPTEFR 2 COMMIT TO THE APPROACH    What Do We Mean by Commitment?    How Can Commitment Be Attainde and Maintained?    Recommendations to Assist in Evolving the Partnering Approach      Involve Managers with Authority in the Partnering Workshop      Develop a Requirements Plan      Utilize a Set of Mechahisms,Methods ,Techniques,and Tools      Work Toward a Quality Culture    Summary    Key References and Suggested Readings  CHAPTER 3 ESTABLISH AND UTILIZE A JOINT TEAM RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REQUIREMENTS    What Is a"Joint Team"    What Doea the Joint Team Do?    How Is the Joint Team Created?    Who Should Be on the Joint Team?    How Often Should the Joint Team Meet?    What Metrics Need to Be Created and Tracked?    Calculating Return on Investment (ROI)from Uding Effective Requirements Practices    Customer and Supplier Roles    Summary    Key References and Suggested Readings  CHAPTER 4 DEFINE THE REAL CUSTOMER NEEDS    Recommendations to Facilitate Getting to the Real Requirements      Invest More in the Requirements Process      Train PMs to Pay More Attention to the Requirements Process      Identify a Project Champion      Define the Project Vision and Scope      Identify a Requirements Engineer and Utilize Domain Experts to Perform        Requirements Engineerng Tasks      Train Developers Not to Make Requirements Decisions and Not to Gold Plate      Utilize a Variety of Techniques to Elicit to Elicit Customer and User Requirements and Expectations        Use Cases      Train Requirements Engineers to Write Good Requirements         The Impact of Requirements Errors        The Importance of Requirements to Program Costs        What Is a Good Requirement?      Document the Rationale for Each Requirement      Utilize Methods and Automated  Tools to Analyze,Prioritize,and Track Requirements      Collect Requirements from Multiple Viewpoints      Consider the Use of Formal Methods When Appropriate    Pitfalls    Summary    Key REFERENCES AND suggested Readings  ……PART III WHAT TO DO NEXT EpilogueList of AcronymsGlossaryCreditsBibliographyAuthor IndexSubject Index




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