
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:科学出版社  作者:Khawar Zaman Ahmed  页数:330  字数:422000  


本书通过一个完整的实例,系统介绍了用J2EE开发企业级软件工程时,将UML建模技术应用到软件开发过程各个阶段的方法。本书首先介绍了J2EE的基本概念和主要技术,以及UML中的各种设计视图和基本原理,在此基础上,深入讲解了如何使用UML进行分析和设计,以及如何使用UML为J2EE主要技术建模。     本书不仅适合于初学UML和J2EE的读者,而且对于J2EE程序开发人员和软件工程项目管理人员也有很大的参考价值。


Khawar Ahmed is a member of the Rational Rose team at Rational Software corporation.He assists internal and External customers of Rational Rose with the use of UML and Rational Rose in the areas of Java,J2EE,XML,and Web modeling.He has over eleven years of software develpment esperience and has been using visual modeling since the early 1990s.
Cary Umrysh has over twelve years of experience in object-oriented software development.Formerly a Rational Rose development mangager and product manager at Rational Software Corporation,he is currently managing development for several key Enterprise Java software systems for use ing the energy industry.


Forword Preface Intended Audience How to Use This Book Chapter Summaries Conventions Acknowledgments Chapter 1  Introduction to Enterprise Software            What Is Enterprise Software            Evolution of Enterprise Software            Enterprise Software and Component-Based Software            Summary  Chapter 2  Introduction to the J2EE            What Is the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition?            A Brief History of J2EE            Why J2EE            A Brief Overview of J2EE            Summary  Chapter 3  Introduction to the UML            UML Overview            Why Use the J2EE and the UML Together?            Challenges in Modeling J2EEin the UML            Extension Mechanisms in the UML            The Approach to J2EE UML Modeling            Summary  Chapter 4  UML and Java            Representing Structure            Representing RElatinoships            Summary  Chapter 5  Overview of Activities            What Is a Software DEvelopment Porcess?            Overview of Popular Approaches            Approach Used in This Book            Overview of Major Activities            Summary  Chapter 6  Architecture            What Is Software Architecture?            Why Architecture?            Key concepts in Enterprise Application            Approaches to Software Architecture            Putting It All Together            Summary  Chapter 7  Analyzing Customer Needs            Why Software Analysis and Design?            Problem Analysis            Use Case Modeling            Identifying the Actors            Finding the Use Cases            Use Case Diagrams            Use Case Relationships            Sequence Diagrams            Activity Diagrams            Summary  Chapter 8  Creating the Design            Use Case Analysis            Use Case Realizations            Refined Use Case Description            Sequence Diagrams            Collaboration Diagrams            Class Diagrams            Coalescing the Analysis Classes            Packaging            Summary  Chapter 9  Overview of J2EE Technologies            The Big Picture            Servlets            Java Server Pages(JSP)            Enterprise Java Beans(EJB)            Session Beans            Tntity Beans            Message-Driven Beans            Assembly and Deployment            Case Study            Summary  Chapter 10 Servlets            Introduction to Servlets            Servlet Life Cycle            Request handling            Response Generation            HTTP Request Handlers            The Request Dispatcher Interface            Modeling Servlets in UML            Modeling Other Servlet Aspects            Servlet Deployment and Web Archives            Identifying Servlets in Enterprise Applications            Summary  Chapter 11 JavaServer Pages            Introduction to JSP            Anatomy of a JSP            Tag Libraries            JSP and the UML            JSP in Enterprise Applications  Chapter 12 Session Beans            Introduction to Enterprise JavaBeans            EJB Views and the UML            Session Beans            Types of Session Beans and Conversational State            Instance Passivation            Transactions            Session Bean Technology            Modeling Interface Behavior            Session Bean Life Cycle            Session BEan Common Scenarios            Modeling Session Bean Relationships            Managing Performance            The Local Client            Identifying Session Beans in Enterprise Applications            Summary  Chapter 13 Entity Beans            Introduction to Entity Beans            Entity Bean Views and the UML            Persistence            Abstract Persistence            Container-Managed Relationships            Entity Bean Technology            Entity Bean Life Cycle            Entity Bean Common Scenarios            Modeling Entity Bean Relationships            Identifying Entity Beans in Enterprise Applications            Summary  Chapter 14 Message-Driven Beans            Introduction to Message-Driven Beans            Message-Driven Bean Views and the UML            Message-Driven Bean Technology            Message-Driven Bean Life Cycle            Message-Driven Bean Common Scenario            Modeling Message_Driven Bean Relationships            identifying Message-Driven Beans            summary  Chapter 15 Assembly and Deployment            Component Modeling            Component Modeling of J2EE Technologies            Deployment Modeling            Traceability Revisited            Assembly and Deployment of Enterprise Java            Summary  Chapter 16 Case Study            Case Study Background            Problem Statement            Rationale and Assumptions            HomeDirect Requirements            Inception Phase            Elaboration Phase            Remaining Phases            Summary Glossary References Index



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