
出版时间:2003-5  出版社:科学出版社  作者:宾德  页数:1191  字数:1483000  


要实现高质量、高稳定性的面对对象软件系统,有效的测试技术是必不可少的。本书深入讲述了如何用状态机、组合逻辑和UML开发可测试的模型。 通过对多种模式的介绍,可以让读者掌握如何设计测试套件、如何针对OO代码修改测试方法、如何测试可重用组件及框架,以及如何根据用况开发高效的测试套件。书中还提供了许多实际测试经验和面向对象测试领域的最新研究成果。    与面向对象系统稳定有关的开发及测试人员,皆可阅读此书。


List of FiguresList of TablesList of ProceduresForewordPrefaceAcknowledgmentsPart Ⅰ PreliminariesChapter 1 A Small ChallengeChapter 2 How to Use This Book  2.1 Reader Guidance  2.2 Conventions   2.3 FAQs for Object-oriented Testing  2.4 Test ProcessChapter 3 Testing:A Brief Introduction   3.1 What Is Software Testing?  3.2 Definitions  3.3 The Limits of Testing  3.4 What Can Testing Accomplish?  3.5 Bibliographic NotesChapter 4 With the Necessary Changes:Testing and Object-oriented Software  4.1 The Dismal Science of Software Testing  4.2 Side Effects of the Paradigm   4.3 Language-specific Hazards  4.4 Coverage Models for Object-oriented Testing  4.5 An OO Testing Manifesto  4.6 Bibliographic NotesPart Ⅱ ModelsChapter 5 Test Models  5.1 Test Design and Test Models  5.2 Bibliographic NotesChapter 6 Combinational Models  6.1 How Combinational Models Support Testing  6.2 How to Develop a Decision Table  6.3 Deriving the Logic Function  6.4 Decision Table Validation  6.5 Test Generation  6.6 Choosing a Combinational Test Strategy   6.7 Bibliographic NotesChapter 7   7.1 Motivation   7.2 The Basic Model  7.3 The FREE State Model  7.4 State-based Test Design  7.5 Bibliographic NotesChapter 8 A Tester's Guide to the UML  8.1 Introduction  8.2 General-purpose Elements  8.3 Use Case Diagram  8.4 Class Diagram  8.5 Sequence Diagram   8.6 Activity Diagram  8.7 Statechart Diagram  8.8 Collaboration Diagram  8.9 Component Diagram  8.10 Deployment Diagram  8.11 Graphs,Relations,and Testing   8.12 Bibliographic NotesPart Ⅲ PatternsChapter 9 Results-oriented Test Strategy  9.1 Results-oriented Testing  9.2 Test Design Patterns  9.3 Documenting Test Cases,Suites,and Plans  9.4 Bibliographic NotesChapter 10 Classes  10.1 Class Test and Integration  10.2 Preliminaries  10.3 Method Scope Test Design Patterns  10.4 Class Scope Test Design Patterns  10.5 Flattened Class Scope Test Design Patterns  10.6 Bibliographic NotesChapter 11 Reusable Components  11.1 Testing and Reuse  11.2 Test Design Patterns  11.3 Bibliographic NotesChapter 12 Subsystems  12.1 Subsystems  12.2 Subsystem Test Design Patterns  12.3 Bibliographic NotesChapter 13 Integration  13.1 Integration in Object-oriented Development   13.2 Integration Patterns  13.3 Bibliographic NotesChapter 14 Application Systems  14.1 Testing Application Systems  14.2 Test Design Patterns  14.3 Implementation-specific Capabilities  14.4 Post-development Testing  14.5 Notes on Testing Performance Objectives  14.6 Bibliographic NotesChapter 15 Regression Testing  15.1 Preliminaries Testing  15.2 Test Patterns  15.3 Bibliographic NotesPart Ⅳ ToolsChapter 16 Test Automation  16.1 Why Testing Must Be Automated  16.2 Bibliographic NotesChapter 17 Assertions  17.1 Introduction  17.2 Implementation-based Assertions  17.3 Responsibility-based Assertions  17.4 Implementation  17.5 Deployment  17.6 Limitations and Caveats  17.7 Some Assertion Tools  17.8 Bibliographic NotesChapter 18 Oracles  18.1 Introduction  18.2 Oracles Patterns  18.3 Comparators  18.4 Bibliographic NotesChapter 19 Test Harness Design  19.1 How to Develop a Test Harness  19.2 Test Case Patterns  19.3 Test Control Patterns  19.4 Driver Patterns  19.5 Test Execution Patterns  19.6 A Test Implementation Syntax  19.7 Bibliographic NotesAppendix BogFoot's Tootsie:A Case StudyRequirementsOOA/D for Capability-driven Testing ImplementationGlossary ReferencesIndex




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