
出版时间:2002-4  出版社:医学教育出版分社  作者:默普里  页数:190  


风暴式医学教程丛书是由世界著名的医学出版公司MOSby出的大型系列医学教程丛书。该丛书一经推出立即受到海外医学院校学生的欢迎,成为医学类畅销书。     该丛书是由国外知名医学专家指导、由优秀的医学院校学生执笔的系列教程。特殊的编写方式能免去超负荷学习的负担,有助于学生迅速、准确地掌握现代医学课程的核心知识和最新概念。


PrefaceAcknowledgementsDedicationPartⅠ:Development,Structure,and Function  1.Basic Principles    Overview of the kidney and urinary tract    Fluid compartments of the body  2.Organization of the Kidney    General organization of the kidney    Glomerular structure and function    Transport processes in the renal tubule    Proximal tubule    Loop of Henle  3.Renal Function    Renal blood flow and the glomerular filtration rate    Body fluid osmolality    Body fluid volume    Regulation of body fluid pH    Regulation of K+,Ca2+,Mg2+,and PO43-  4.Renal Function in Disease    Systemic diseases that affect renal function    Interventions in renal disease  5.Lower Urinary Tract    Organization of the Lower urinary tract    MicturitionPartⅡ:Clinical Assessment  6.Taking a History    The history    Common presentations of urinary disease  7.Examination of the Patient    General inspection    Hands and limbs    Thorax    Abdomen  8.Investigation of the kidney and Urinary Tract    Investigative techniques  PartⅢ:Basic Pathology  9.Pathology of the Kidney    Congenital abnormalities of the kidney    Cystic diseases of the kidney    Diseases of the glomerulus    Glomerular lesions in systemic disease    Diseases of the tubules and interstitium      Diseases of the renal blood vessels    Neoplastic disease of the kidney  10.Pathology of the Urinary Tract     Congenital abnormalities of the urinary tract     Urinary tract obstruction and urolithiasis     Inflammation of the urinary tract     Neoplastic disease of the urinary tract     Disorders of the prostatePartⅣ:Self-assessment  Multiple-choice Questions  Short-answer Questions  Essay Questions  MCQ Answers  SAQ AnswersIndex



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