出版时间:2000-9 出版社:科学出版社 作者:Freddie H.Fu 页数:320
Shoulder surgery has progressed most rapidly over the past 25 years Writh our ability to better understand the clinical problems of the shoulder, what used to be alimented number of successful operations in shoulder surgery has evolved into a wide variety of surgical techniques. Several innovations have expanded the application of open surgical techniques. while technological advances have provided the surgeon with thrall tentative-and often preferred-techniques of arthroscopic surgery. With this growth comes the need to communica tetitese developments in an accurate and understandable fashion. This Atlas is intended to provide readers with the necessary tools to apply the techniques of modem shoulder surgery Within the 33 chapters,primary surgical procedures,as well as revision and salvage alternatives,are clearly described. Our goal was to concentrate on the details of the most commonly indicated techniques for the shoulder, swell as most of the less common procedures. The contributors,with an international perspective,have accomplished this by providing detailed,yet focused,chapters concentrating on the surgical techniques. This Atlas is divided into sections addressing in stability, rotator cuff pathology arthroplasty and authored—sis,proximal hummers and scapula fractures,and the clavicle and its articulations. Both open and arthroscopic techniques are well represented with the most current and established methods. Within each section,a variety of techniques are often provided for similar indications to allow readers to decide which technique-or combination of techniques-they are most comfortable using. The drawn illustrations,as well as the photographic images,are an essential component to complement the step-by-step descriptions of the techniques in each chapter In addition to the surgical techniques,each chapter includes an introduction,adscription of the surgical principles and postoperative protocols,and references for further study. We hope that this Atlas will serve as an invaluable resource for both the novice and the accomplished shoulder surgeon on the fundamentals and the more advanced concepts 0f shoulder surgery. One is never too experienced to learn new techniques or pick pupa few tricks or pearls。from others. We also recognize that an operation completed to perfection will only be successful if the indications. preparation and rehabilitation are performed correctly, and that a clear understanding of the anatomy, biomechanics and basic science concepts is essential We encourage readers to continue their pursuit of knowledge in all aspects of the shoulder.
ContributorsPrefaceAcknowledgmentsI Instability:Open Techniques1 The selective capsular shift for anterior glen humeral instability Jonathan B Ticker and Jon J P Warner2 CapsulolabraI reconstruction for anterior glen humeral instabilityNeal S EIAttrache,Jeffrey B Mulholland,and Patrick J McMahon3 The Glenwood-based capsular shift for anterior and posterior glen humeral instability Answers A Allen,Steven J O'Brien,and Stephen Fealty4 The humorous-based capsular shift for posterior glen humeral instabilityTimothy P Cord and Ira Manning Parsons5 Osteotomy and bone block techniques for posterior glen humeral instability Christopher Levine and Gilles Welch6 The coracoids transfer(Bristow procedure) for anterior glen humeral instability Kenneth E Delavan,Michael P Banes,and Peter G PallorII Instability:Arthroscopic Techniques7 Arthroscopic treatment of posttraumatic Unidirectional anterior glen humeral instability David N M Coburn,Michael Coen William P Urban,and Darren L Johnson8 Transgenic arthroscopic techniques and suture anchor repair for anterior glen humeral instability Michael Palmary and Craig D Morgan9 Extra-particular arthroscopic repair for anterior glen humeral instability Garnet Sterner,Andreas Hamburger,and Herbert Reach10 Arthroscopic treatment of SLAP LesionsScott E Rahall and Stephen J Snyder11 Arthroscopic treatment of SLAP lesions:transacromial approachKarl Glosser,Markus Webmaster,and Herbert ReachIII Rotator Cuff Pathology:Open Techniques12 Open acromioplasty and sub cordial decompressionHiroaki Fukuda,Kazoos Hamada,and Mari Yamada13 Open rotator cuff repairJohn J Brews14 Open rotator cuff repairJames M Hill and Tom R Norris15 Open treatment of biceps tears Kerry R Schulte and Christopher D Harmer IV Rotator Cuff Pathology:Arthroscopic Techniques16 Earth recopy sub armorial decompressionTodd M Swenson and Freddie H Fu17 Arthroscopic decompression of calcium depositsAndreas B Inhofe18 Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair Eugene M Wolf19 Arty roscopic-assisted rotator cuff repairLoel Z Payne and David W Alt hek20 Limited open rotator cuff repair David S Morrison and Scott R JacobsonV Arthroplasty and Arthrodesis21 Arthroplasty of the proximal humorousRoger J H Emery22 Glenwood resurfacing and arthroplasty of the glenoidJohn M Imamura and Wayne Z Burkhead,Jr23 Arthrodesis of the glen humeral jointRobin R RichardsVI Proximal Homeruns and Scapula Fractures24 Two-part proximal humorous fracture res Frances Cuomo25 Three-part proximal homers fractures:Ender nail fixationLouis U Belgian,Evan L Flatwork,Roger G Pollock,and Robert H Wilson26 Three-part proximal homeruns fractures:wire and plate fixationNicholas Wicker and Carl J Wirth27 Four-part proximal humorous fracturesMichel Man sat,Yves Bellmore,and Pierre Man sat28 Scapula fractures:surgical principles and treatment Thomas P GOSS and Brian D BusconiVII Acromioclavicular Joint,SternocIavicuIar Joint,and Clavicle29 Open acromioclavicular joint and distaI clavicle excision George M M luskey III 30 Arthroscopic acromioclavicular joint and distal clavicle resection Frank A Comdisco31 AcromioclavicuIar joint dislocation Andrew S Rokito,Joseph D Zuckerman,and Frances Cuomo32 StemocIavicular ioint resection and stabilization procedures Kirk L Jensen,Michael A Wirth,and Charles A Rockwood,Jr33 Midshaft clavicle fractures and non-UnionsGerard R Williams,Jr,and Matthew L RamseyIndex
These elective capsular shift for anterior glen humeral instability The selective capsular shift is a procedure designed to address pathology encountered for traumatic or traumatic glen humeral instability that is primarily in the anterior direction(Warner et al 1995).It is indicated in those patients who have failed no operative intervention and whose instability is not amenable to arthroscopic treatment Sub scapularismuscle procedures,soft tissue transfer procedures,bone block techniques,and set-to miles have been recommended in the Dast to address glenohumeralins tabilit Tand may still have a roll in failed or unusualcases.However,thc benefits of a reconstruction that directIv addresses the soft tissue pathology in anterior glen humeral instability are being increasingly recognized(Rowe et al 1978,Neer and Foster1980,Need et al 1985,Thomas and Matson 1989,Althea et al 1991,Jobe et al 1991,Bigliani et al 1994,Warner et al 1995), Therefore it is desirable to have a procedure that allows the surgeon to address the spectrum of anterior instability, abnormal capsular laxity with or without labial pathology, while restoring function. The selective capsular shift technique. which employs a humors based capsular incision and repair, achieves these goals(Warner et al 1995).This technique is a modification of the capsular shift procedure described by Sneer finer and Foster 1980,Sneer et al 1985)and Giuliani et al(1994),yet offers potential advantages when the operation has progressed to the stage of capsular repair by limiting the extent of the capsular shift in order to restore normal capsular anatomy. Experimental studies have demonstrated the characteristics and importance of the inferior gluon-humeral ligament as the primary static stabilizer against anterior inferior translation of the humeral head which the arm is abducted and externally rotated. and the ligament is placed under significant tension(Turkey et al 1981 Now et al 1993 Warmer 1993a,Ticker et al 1 996a).Conversely, the superior and middle glen humeral ligaments function to restrict anterior inferior translation when the arm is adducted and externally rotated,and are in maximal tension in this arm position(Warner 1993a).With this in mind. repair of both the inferior and superior capsular flaps is performed with the arm in positions closer to the end ranges of motion to achieve static’s stability yet avoid over-tightening or under-tightening the capsule The capsule tensioned in this man nerveless to preserve normal glen humeral rotation and to prevent loss of external rotation Additionally the procedure as described below can be performed by two operating surgeons,employs a cosmetic axtuaryincision,and uses nonmetallic suture anchors to complete the capsular repair, as well as a labial repair if indicated.