出版时间:1999 出版社:Endless Science Information (E.S.I.) 作者:遠藤俊次 Toshitsugu Endo,岸田泰則 Yasunori Kishida
其实很诡异,这本非常著名的书竟然没有ISBN码.上面给的...是我编的 = =|||--Dr.Moth
The first comprehensive book on the Soth East Asian diurnal Zygaenidae and Epicopeia moths.
Large and brilliantly colored species are illustrated in highly standard color plates at actual size.
The Chalcosiinae and Epicopeia(Epicopeiidae) are well known as poisonous moths mimicking various kinds of butterflies.
Many interesting examples are shown in this book.
In Chalcosiinae, Zygaenidae, 878 specimens belonging to 263 species are illustrated. The geographical and individual variations are also shown for many species. A check list of the SE. Asian Chalcosiinae is presented and some taxonomical changes are included.
The distributional maps are figured for typical species of some genera. Brief and summarized explanations for many interesting genera are prepared in Japanese and in English.
In the genus Epicopeia, Epicopeiidae, 64 specimens are illustrated.
Many forms are shown in color for the first time.
Day-Flying Moths