出版时间:2004-2 出版社:Av Edition GmbH (2004年2月29日) 作者:Georg Schulz 页数:96
IntroductionVito 0razemOn Recent Developments in Communication TheoryPeter ZecDesigning HumanityVilim VasataAbout HappinessFrancis SmetsMobile Collaborative WorkingBrian SwitzerWho is to Design the Globalisation MachineTBniS KaODeep DesignCorpo rate Identity or Why Today Everything is ImportantKnut MaierhoferAfter the Ad iS Before the AdThomas ElserMake it BetterHarry RichMissing LinksDeconstrueting Creativity in CommunicationWilfried KorfmacherAuthorsEuropean Design ForumColophon
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