名人设计 Who's Who in Design

出版时间:2004-2  出版社:Av Edition GmbH (2004年2月29日)  作者:Jana Zec  页数:537  


The third edition of the international compendium of the design scene ”The Leading Designers of the World“ is published now. In the new edition of the “Who’s Who in Design” are presented in detail those leading personalities, teams, offices and enterprises, who have taken up an outstanding role in the world of design through their works - setting trends and creating styles - and who are about to set new accents. It is therefore an excellent orientation guide and an indispensable work of reference for any businessmen, marketing experts, agencies, journalists and young talents, interested in design.


Designer Index | Designers IndexVorwort | PrefaceProduct Naoto Fukasawa:Was ist gutes Design und Warum ? Was ist schlechtes Design und warum?| What is goodd design and why?What is bad design and why?Designer Portraits Product DesignCmmunication Stefan Ytterborn:Desighn ist wie Stronm | Design is like Electricity Design Portraits Communication DesignInteriorDeyan Suduic:Aus der(jüngsten)Geschichte lernen|ServiceFachvervande | Professonal associationsDr.Martv Schlotelburg:Europaweiter Rechtsschutz für Designs| Legal Protection for Design throughout EuropeDr.Achim Herbertz:Fuchs,du hast die Gans gestohlen-Die Sicherung des geistigen Eigentums gegen Diebstahl| The Thieving Fox-Protection of intellectual property against theftProf.Dr.Norbert Hammer:,,Never leave well enough alone".Aus-und Weiternbildung im Design mit Online-Lerneinheiten | Education and training in design with online learning unitsDesighausbildung Deutschland | Design education GermanyDesigninstitutionen Deutschland | Design institutions GermanyDesignrelevante Museen Deutschland | Design museums GermanyDesignrelevante Museen International | International design museumsDesignwettbewerbe | Design competititonsFachzeitschriften Deutschland | Professional journals GermanyFachzeitschriften International | International professional journalsAuszug aus dem Verlagsprogrann | Extract from the publisher's catalogueIndexAdressenverzeichnis alphabetisch | Address listing alphabeticallyAdressenverzeichnis nach Landern | Address listing to countries




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