Alvar Aalto 芬兰现代建筑大师阿尔瓦 阿尔托

出版时间:2009-9  出版社:TASCHEN America Llc  作者:Lahti, Louna; Gossel, Peter;  


Finnish architect Alvar Aalto (1898 1976) was not only influenced by the landscape of his native country, but by the political struggle over Finland's place within European culture. After early neoclassical buildings, Alvar Aalto turned to ideas based on Functionalism, subsequently moving toward more organic structures, with brick and wood replacing plaster and steel. In addition to designing buildings, furniture, lamps, and glass objects with his wife Aino, he painted and was an avid traveler. A firm believer that buildings have a crucial role in shaping society, Aalto once said;The duty of the architect is to give life a more sensitive structure.




    Alvar Aalto 芬兰现代建筑大师阿尔瓦 阿尔托 PDF格式下载

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