
出版时间:2005-12  作者:Andras Batta 著  页数:923  


  This work presents the most splendid, the most com-plex of all stage genres, in all of its colors and facets.It portrays more than 300 operas, placing them in their respective contemporary contexts and spotlighting features of special relevance for music history, along with great productions and interpretations of the works depicted: All of the key details are presented - from characters, scene sequences and premieres to sample scores for important motifs and legendary 'popular tunes'.    With its extensive appendices, a clear structure and hundreds of illustrations, Opera is a reference work at once lucidly presented and splendid to behold, a work for all friends-of classical and modern music theater.


Dr.Andras Batta studied musicology and the cello at the Liszt Ferenc music academy in Budapest,and since 1979 has taught the history of music there Between 1976 and 1996 he was redsponsible for numerous music broadcasts on Magyar Radio (Budapest)and ORF(Vienna).In 2004,Andras Batta was appointed Rector of the Liszt Ferenc music academy.




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