
出版时间:1999-12  作者:Jürgen Tietz 著  页数:118  


ARCHITECTURE AT THE TURN OF THE  CENTURY       The Roots in the 18th and 19th Centuries Art Nouveau Adolf Loos Frank Lloyd WrightTHE FIRST MODERNS Modernization and Industrialization Neoclassicism Peter Behrens Expressionism Cubism FuturismTHE  INTERNATIONAL  STYLE Architecture after the First World War De Stijl The Bauhaus Constructivism Rationalism versus Neoclassicism New Building in Germany Town Planning in the 20th CentunyAMERICAN ARCHITICTURE Land Speculation and Architectural Engineering Europe meets USA Art DecoARCHITECTURE  AND  POWER The Rule of Force THE GLOBALIZATION OF MODERN ARCHITECTURE Visions of a City Architecture The Bauhaus Tradition in the USA Mies varn der Rohe Reactions Architecture as Sculpture Le Corbusier The New City Town Planning in the 20th CenturyVISION AND REALITY Socialism versus Capitalism Brutalism Expression in Concrete Louis I. Kahn AIvar Aalto Approaches to History The Glass OfficeHIGH-TECH AND POSTMODERN High-Tech Architecture De-Architecture Postmodernism Kenzo TangeCROSSING BOUNDARIES Culture as Experience and Consumerism Deconstruction The Rationalist Tradition in Italy The School of Tessin JapanLOOKING INTO IHE FUTURE Contemporary but Eternal Architecture in the Virtual Age The Aesthetic of Simplicity Sculpture and Architecture Architecture in the 21 st Century Dictionary of Terms Index of Names Picture Credits



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