Bifurcation, Symmetry and Patterns (精装)

出版时间:2003-11  出版社:Birkhäuser Basel  作者:Buescu, Jorge/ Buescu, Jorge (EDT)/ Castro, Sofia/ Dias, Ana Paula/ Labouriau, Isabel S.  页数:209  


This book represents the latest developments on both the theory and applications of bifurcations with symmetry. It includes recent experimental work as well as new approaches to and applications of the theory to other sciences. It shows the range of dissemination of the work of Martin Golubitsky and Ian Stewart and its influence in modern mathematics at the same time as it contains work of young mathematicians in new directions. The range of topics includes mathematical biology, pattern formation, ergodic theory, normal forms, one-dimensional dynamics and symmetric dynamics.


Foreword by the EditorsOrganizing CommitteeInvited SpeakersInvited LecturesIan Stewart,Toby Elmhirst,and Jack Cohen  Symmetry—Breaking as an Origin of SpeciesMartin Golubitsky and David Chillingworth  Bifurcation and Planar Pattern Formation for a Liquid CrystalPeter A shwin  Patchwork Patterns:Dynamics Oil Unbounded DomainsMichaef Field  Persistent Ergodicity and Stably Ergodic SIR.B Attractors  in Equivariant DynamicsDan D.Rusu and William F.Langford  Bistability of Vortex Modes in Annular ThermoconvectionA.M.Rucklidge,M.Silber,and J.Fineberg  Secondary Instabilities of Hexagons:A Bifurcation Analysis  of Experimentally Observed Faraday Wave Patterns-Contributed PapersArantxa Alons0,Marta Net and Juan Sdnchez  Spatially Resonant Interactions in Annular ConvectionT.K.Callahan  Hopf Bifurcations on Cubic LatticesGiampaolo Cicogna  Normal Forms of Dynamical Systems and BifurcationsS.M.Coz and P.C.Matthews  One—dimensional Pattern Formation in Systems  with a Conserved QuantityO.Diekmann and S.A.Uan Gils  Invariance and Symmetry in a Year—class ModelPaul Glendinning  The Accumulation of Boundary Doubling  for Modified Tent MapsArek Goetz and Miguel Mendes  Piecewise Rotations:Bifurcations,Attractors and SymmetriesA.Bayliss,B.J。Matkowsky,A.P.Aldushin  Bound States of Asymmetric Hot Spots  in Solid Flame PropagationP.C.Matthews and S.M.Cox  Pattern Formation with Galilean SymmetryMatthew Nicol,Nikita Sidorov and David Broomhead  Semigroups of Functions and the Structure of Stationary  Measures in Systems which Contract—on—averagedoana Pr8t,Isabel Mercader and Edgar Knobloch  Rayleigh—B6nard Convection with Experimental  Boundary Conditions.Adelina Georgescu,Carmen Rocqoreanu and Nicolaie Giurgiteanu  Global Bifurcations in FitzHugh—Nagumo ModelList of ContributorsList of Participants



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