出版时间:2000-6 出版社:Oversea Publishing House 作者:Nimura-Eckert, Keiko 页数:396
This book provides angiologists and vascular surgeons with a comprehensive survey covering all aspects of vascular diseases from diagnosis to treatment。All clinical pictures are documented with pathological pictures,angiograms or X-rays。Specific cases of differential diagnosis are included as are surgical photographs concerning the treatment of the diseases。The book describes all vascular diseases from arterial,venous to lymphatic lesions。It combines interests of vascular surgeons,angiologists,radiologists and cardiologists in a unique atlas and text combination of vascular medicine。
Part A: Arterial System Chapter 1: Disease Processes Involving Arteries A: Introduction 1.Morphology of the Arterial Wall and Types of Vessels Morphology of the Arterial Wall Types of Vessels 2.Pathology of Arteriosclerosis 3.Mönckeberg's-Syndrome B: Supplementary Figures and Legends Chapter 2: Diseases of the Cerebral Arteries A: Introduction Stroke 22 B: Supplementary Figures and Legends Chapter 3: Arteries of the Arm A: Introduction 1.Neurovascular Shoulder Girdle Compression Syndromes 2.Subclavian Steal Syndrome 3.Distal Arteries of the Arm and Hand B: Supplementary Figures and Legends Chapter 4: Thoracic and Abdominal Aorta A: Introduction 1.Arteriosclerotic Occlusion and Aneurysms A.Arteriosclerotic Occlusion of the Distal Aorta B.Aortic Aneurysm 2.Congenital Anomalies of the Aorta A.Aortic Coarctation B.Marfan's-Syndrome 3.Inflammatory Disease of the Aorta: Takayasu's Disease B: Supplementary Figures and Legends Chapter 5: Arteries of the Abdominal Organs A: Introduction 1.Chronic Renal Artery Occlusion 2.Acute Renal Artery Occlusion 3.Visceral Artery Ischemia B: Supplementary Figures and Legends Chapter 6: Arteries of the Leg A: Introduction 1.Peripheral Arterial Occlusion Disease 2.Inguinal Region Vascular Anatomy Arteriosclerosis Emboli Aneurysms AV Fistulas 3.Popliteal Fossa Vascular Anatomy Arteriosclerosis Aneurysms Inflammatory Diseases Emboli Entrapment Syndrome Cystic Degeneration Vascular Syndromes with Tumors of the Popliteal Space Vascular Injury B: Supplementary Figures and Legends Chapter 7: Diabetic Foot Syndrome A: Introduction Diabetic Foot Syndrome B: Supplementary Figures and Legends Chapter 8: Buerger's Disease A: Introduction Buerger's Disease B: Supplementary Figures and Legends Chapter 9: Functional Circulatory Disorders and Vasculitides A: Introduction 1.Raynaud's Syndrome 2.Other Functional Circulatory Disorders A.Digitus Mortuus B.Acrocyanosis C.Erythrocyanosis D.Erythromelalgia (EM) E.Ergotism F.Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy G.Pernio/Cold Injury H.Cold-Induced Injuries 3.Inflammatory Vascular Disease: The Vasculitides A.Polyarteritis Nodosa (PAN) B.Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) C.Wegener's Granulomatosis (WG) D.Behçet's Disease E.Henoch-Schönlein Purpura (HSP) F.Autoimmune Diseases F-1.Systemic Sclerosis F-2.Systemic Lupus Erythematosus F-3.Rheumatoid Arthritis with Vasculitis B: Supplementary Figures and Legends Part B: Venous System Chapter 10: Diseases of Veins A: Introduction 1.Anatomy of the Pelvic and Leg Veins 2.Physiologic Basis of Venous Stasis 3.Epidemiology 4.Diseases of Leg Veins 4.1 Varicose Veins 4.2 Thrombophlebitis 4.3 Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) 4.4 Post-thrombotic Syndrome and Chronic Venous Insufficiency 4.5 Phlegmasia Cerulea Dolens 5.Axillary and Subclavian Venous Thrombosis B: Supplementary Figures and Legends Part C: Lymphatic System Chapter 11: Diseases of the Lymphatics A: Introduction Lymphedema B: Supplementary Figures and Legends Part D: Vascular Malformations Chapter 12: Congenital Malformations of Vessels A: Introduction History Etiology and Pathogenesis Topography Hemodynamics Diagnosis Therapy B: Supplementary Figures and Legends Appendix Anatomic Diagrams Subject Index END
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