子宫内膜组织病理学图谱Atlas of Endometrial Histopathology

出版时间:1996-8  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Dallenbach-Hellweg, Gisela  页数:225  


This new edition differs from the preceding one in that there has been extensive revision of most chapters. The prime purpose of this atlas is to help the pathologist to find, classify, and differentially diagnose the changes seen. The text provides a description of the pathology of the diseases, summarizes and differentiates the causes, and explains the clinical importance of the condition and how to treat it, emphasising the importance of a constant mutual cooperation with the attending gynecologist.


IntroductionTechnical Remarks Procedures for Obtaining Endometrial Tissue Selection of Proper Time for Curettage Preparation of Endometrial Specimen Interpretation of Endometrial SpecimensNormal Endometrium Normal Menstrual Cycle    Proliferative Phase    Secretory Phase  Menstruation  Regeneration Physiologic Variations in the Climacterium  Proliferative Phase  Secretory Phase Normal Postmenopausal Endometrium Isthmus MucosaMetaplastic Changes Epithelial Metaplasia  Squamous Metaplasia and Ichthyosis  Mucinous Metaplasia  Serous Papillary (syncytial) Metaplasia    Ciliated Cell Metaplasia  Rare Forms of Metaplasia of Endometrial Glandular Epithelium Stromal MetaplasiaCirculatory Disturbances Pathologic Edema Lymphatic Cysts . Apoplexia Uteri . Functional Disturbances Anovulatory Disturbances  Atrophy  Resting Endometrium  Deficient Proliferation  Irregular Proliferation  Anovulatory Withdrawal Bleeding  Glandular Cystic (Simple) Hyperplasia  Adenomatous (Complex and Atypical) Hyperplasia  Adenomatous and Stromal Hyperplasia  Focal Hyperplasia  Basal Hyperplasia  Endometrial Polyps Ovulatory Disturbances  Deficient Secretory Phase  Irregular Shedding  Dysmenorrhea Membranacea Functional Endogenous Changes During the Perimenopausal Period .  Secretory HypertrophyIatrogenic Changes After Hormone Therapy  Estrogen-Induced Hyperplasia  Gestagen Therapy  Combination Therapy  Therapy with Gonadotropin, Clomiphen, Tamoxifen After Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices  Mechanical Decidualization  Perifocal Arrested Secretion  Surface Reaction Following Copper Devices  Endometritis After Intrauterine Instillation  Histocytic Storage ReactionEndometritis Acute Endometritis Chronic Nonspecific Endometritis Tuberculous Endometritis Sarcoidosis Actinomycosis Foreign Body GranulomaNeoplasms Carcinomas ……Gestational ChangesReferencesIndex



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