高性能计算机及网络前沿 Frontiers of high performance

出版时间:2006-12  出版社:Springer Verlag  作者:Min, Geyong (EDT)/ Martino, Beniamino Di (EDT)/ Yang, Laurence Tianruo (EDT)/ Guo, Minyi (EDT)/ Ruenger, Gudula (EDT)  页数:1141  


This book constitutes the refereed joint proceedings of ten international workshops held in conjunction with the 4th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, ISPA 2006, held in Sorrento, Italy in December 2006 (see LNCS 4330).  The 116 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from many high quality submissions. The papers of the ten workshops are very specific and contribute to enlarging the spectrum of the more general topics treated in the ISPA 2006 main conference. Topics addressed are frontiers of high performance computing and networking (FHPCN 2006), XEN in HPC cluster and grid computing environments (XHPC 2006), semantic grid applications in computing and engineering (S-GRACE 2006), fertilization of grid computing and geographic information system (GridGIS 2006), high performance computing in genomic proteomic and transcriptomic (HPC-GTP 2006), parallel and distributed computing in engineering (PDCE 2006), parallel and distributed multimedia computing (ParDMCom 2006), middleware performance (WOMP 2006), information security and digital forensics (ISDF 2006), and ubiquitous processing for wireless networks (UPWN 2006).


FHPCN 2006 Workshop Track 1: System Architectures  DNA: Diameter NEMO Applications Based on Binding Update Integration  Towards Real-Time Processing of Monitoring Continuous k-Nearest Neighbor Queries  Comparison of SBA  Family Task Allocation Algorithms for Mesh Structured Networks  Scalable Overlay Multicast Architecture  On the Design of a Dual-Execution Modes Processor: Architecture and Preliminary Evaluation  Pseudo Share Data Cache in Multiprocessor: PSDMP  Further Improvement of Manik et al?s Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards  Dynamic Load Balancing on Non-homogeneous Clusters  L2-Cache Hierarchical Organizations for Multi-core Architectures  Automatic Guidance of a Tractor Using Distributed Applications  RCMP: A Reconfigurable Chip-Multiprocessor Architecture Track 2: Middleware and Cooperative Computing  Virtual Link: An Enabler of Enterprise Utility Computing  Pervasive Open Spaces: A Transparent and Scalable Dome-Based Pervasive Resource Allocation System    Computational Experience with Branch, Cut and Price Algorithms in Grid Environments  Quorum Based Distributed Conflict Resolution Algorithm for Bounded Capacity Resources  Performance Analysis of Semi-centralized Load Sharing  A Case for Non-blocking Collective Operations  Using Agreement Services in Grid Computing  :  An Open Environment for Compositional Software Development   Track 3: Techniques, Algorithms and Applications  A Survivable Distributed Sensor Networks Through Stochastic Models  Design and Analysis of the M2LL Policy Distributed Algorithm for Load Balancing in Dynamic Networks   ……XHPC 2006 WorkshopS-GRACE 2006 WorkshopGridGIS 2006 WorkshopPDCE 2006 WorkshopParDMCom 2006 WorkshopWOMP 2006 WorkshopISDF 2006 WorkshopUPWN 2006 WorkshopAuthor Index



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