Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming and Petri Nets: Advances in Petri Nets (平装)

出版时间:2001-5  出版社:1 edition (2001年5月1日)  作者:Gul A. Agha  页数:537  


Concurrency and distribution have become the dominant paradigm and concern in computer science. Despite the fact that much of the early research in object-oriented programming focused on sequential systems, objects are a natural unit of distribution and concurrency - as elucidated early on by research on the Actor model. Thus, models and theories of concurrency, the oldest one being Petri nets, and their relation to objects are an attractive topic of study.    This book presents state-of-the-art results on Petri nets and concurrent object-oriented programming in a coherent and competent way. The 24 thoroughly reviewed and revised papers are organized in three sections. The first consists of long papers, each presenting a detailed approach to integrating Petri nets and object-orientation. Section II includes shorter papers with emphasis on concrete examples to demonstrate the approach. Finally, section III is devoted to papers which significantly build on the Actor model of computation.


Section 1 Object Oriented Modeling with Object Petri Nets  C Lakos Using Petri Nets for Specifying Active Objects and Generative Communication  T. Holvoet, P. Verbaeten Object-Oriented Nets with Algebraic Specifications: The CO-OPN/2 Formalism  O. Biberstein, D. Buchs, and N. Guelfi CLOWN as a Testbed for Concurrent Object-Oriented Concepts  E. Battiston, A. Chizzoni, and F. De Cindio Concurrency in Communicating Object Petri Nets  R. Valk Object Orientation in Hierarchical Predicate Transition Nets  X. He, Y. Ding CoOperative Objects: Principles, Use and Implementation  C. Sibertin-Blanc OB(PN)2: An Object Based Petri Net Programming Notation  J. Lilius On Formalizing UML with High-Level Petri Nets  L. Baresi, M. PezzeSection 2 Modeling a Groupware Editing Tool with Cooperative Objects  R. Bastide, P. Palanque Modeling Constrained Geometric Objects with OBJSA Nets  M. A. Alberti, P. Evi, and D. Marini An Object-Based Modular CPN Approach:Its Application to the Specification of a Cooperative Editing Environment  D. S. Guerrero, J. C. A. de Figueiredo, and A. Perkusich KRON: Knowledge Engineering Approach Based on the Integration of CPNs with Objects  J. A. Bahares, P. R. Muro-Medrano, J. L. Villarroel, and F. J. Zarazaga Modeling of a Library with THORNs  F. Koster, S. Schof, M. Sonnenschein, and R. Wieting Inheritance of Dynamic Behavior: Development of a Groupware Editor  T. Basten, W. M. P. van der Aalst Object Colored Petri Nets - A Formal Technique for Object Oriented Modeling  C. Maier, D. MoldtSection 3 An Actor Algebra for Specifying Distributed Systems:The Hurried Philosophers Case Study  M. Gaspari, G. Zavattaro Formal Reasoning about Actor Programs Using Temporal Logic  S. Schacht Flexible Types for a Concurrent Model  F. Puntigam High Level Transition Systems for Communicating Agents  F. Vernadat, P. Azema Schedulability Analysis of Real Time Actor Systems Using Colored Petri Nets  L. Nigro, F. Pupo Control Properties in Object-Oriented Specifications  A. DiagneSection 4: Case Studies A Cooperative Petri Net Editor  R. Bastide, C. Lakos, and P. Palanque The Hurried Philosophers  C. Sibertin-BlancAuthor Index



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