人工神经网络 - ICANN 2006 /会议录 第II部分/Artificial neural networks

出版时间:2006-12  出版社:湖北辞书出版社  作者:Kollias, Stefanos; Stafylopatis, Andreas; Duch, Wlodzislaw  页数:1028  


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 2006, held in Thessaloniki, Greece, in September 2006.    The 29 high-quality papers were selected in a rigorous reviewing process out of 126 submissions. The papers address a wide range of hot research issues and are organized in topical sections on: XML databases and semantic web, materialized views, database modelling, web information systems and middleware, query processing and indexing, data mining and clustering, and modelling and design issues.


Neural Networks, Semantic Web Technologies and Multimedia Analysis (Special Session)  Tile Core Method: Connectionist Model Generation  A Neural Scheme for Robust Detection of Transparent Logos in TV Programs  A Neural Network to Retrieve Images froil/Text Queries  Techniques for Still Image Scene Classification and Object Detection  Adaptation of Weighted Fuzzy Programs  Classified Ranking of Semantic Self-organizing Neural Networks  Classifier Fusion: Combination Methods For Semantic Indexing in Video ContentBridging the Semantic Gap in Multimedia Machine Learning Approaches (Special Session)  Retrieval of Multimedia Objects by Combining Seinantic Information  from Visual and Textual Descriptors  A Relevance Feedback Approach Using Gaussian Mixture Models  Apostolos Marakakis, Nikolaos Galatsanos, Aristidis Likas,  Video Representation and Retrieval Using Spatio-temporal Descriptors and Region Relations  Bridging the Syntactic and the Semantic Web Search  Content-Based Coin Retrieval Using Invariant Features and Self-organizing MapsSignal and Time Series Processing (I)  Learning Time-Series Similarity with a Neural Network by Combining  Similarity Measures  Prediction Improvement Network Mixing   Missing Value Estimation for DNA Microarrays with Mutliresolution  Schemes  Applying REC Analysis to Ensembles of Sigma-Point Kalman Filters  Analysis of Fast Input Selection: Application in Time Series  Prediction  A Linguistic Approach to a Human-Consistent Summarization of TimeSignal and Time Series Processing (II)  Long-Term Prediction of Time Series Using State-Space Models  Time Series Prediction Using Fuzzy V~'avelet Neural Network Model  ……Anthor Index



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