出版时间:2006-12 出版社:湖北辞书出版社 作者:Takayama, Nobuki 编 页数:452
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Congress on Mathematical Software, ICMS 2006, held in Castro Urdiales, Spain in September 2006. The 45 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for presentation. The papers are organized in topical sections on new developments on computer algebra packages, interfacing computer algebra on mathematical visualization, software for algebraic geometry and related topics, number-theoretical software, methods in computational number theory, free software for computer algebra, software for optimization on geometric computation, methods and software for computing mathematical functions, access to mathematics on the Web, and general issues.
New Developments on Computer Algebra Packages (Andres Iglesias, Tetsuo Ida) A General Computational Scheme for Testing Admissibility of Nilpotent Orbits of Real Lie Groups of Inner Type Efficient Implementation of Polynomial Arithmetic in a Multiple-Level Programming Environment Development of a Maple Macro Package Suitable for Drawing Fine TFX-Pictures Matlab-Based Problem-Solving Environment for Geometric Processing of Surfaces A Mathematica Notebook for Computing the Homology of Iterated Products of GroupsInterfacing Computer Algebra and Mathematical Visualization (Konrad Polthier) GCLC -- A Tool for Constructive Euclidean Geometry and More Than That jReality, jtem, and Oorange A Way to Do Math with Computers MuPAD's Graphics SystemSoftware for Algebraic Geometry and Related Topics(Nobuki Takayama, Gert-Martin Greuel) An Efficient Implementation for Computing Grobner Bases over Algebraic Number Fields Tree Checking for Sparse Complexes The SARAG Library: Some Algorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry Algebraic Computation of Some Intersection D-Modules PLURAL, a Non-commutative Extension of SINGULAR: Past, Present and FutureNumber Theoretical Software (Ken Nakamula, Michael Pohst) Development of NZMATH KASH: Recent DevelopmentsMethods in Computational Number Theory (David Sevilla, Jaime Gutierrez) Making Change and Finding Repfigits: Balancing a Knapsack Robust HGCD with No Backup StepsFree Software for Computer Algebra(Joris Van Der Hoeven) The Design of CoCoALibSoftware for Optimization and Geometric Computation(Komei Fukuda,Michael Joswig)Methods and Software for Computing Mathematical Functions(Amparo Gil,Javier Segura)Access to Mathematics on the Web(Paul Libbrecht)General TrackLinks to Projects ICMS2006(Masayuki Noro,Nobuki Takayama)Author Index
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