
出版时间:2006-1  出版社:湖北辞书出版社  作者:Middeldorp, A.; Middeldorp, Aart; Van Oostrom, Vincent  页数:638  


  This Festschrift is dedicated to Jan Willem Klop on the occasion of his 60th birthday. The volume comprises a total of 23 scientific papers by close friends and colleagues, written specifically for this book. The papers are different in nature: some report on new research, others have the character of a survey, and again others are mainly expository. Every contribution has been thoroughly refereed at least twice. In many cases the first round of referee reports led to significant revision of the original paper, which was again reviewed. The articles especially focus upon the lambda calculus, term rewriting and process algebra, the fields to which Jan Willem Klop has made fundamental contributions.


The Spectra of WordsOn the Undecidability of Coherent LogicLob's Logic Meets the #-CalculusA Characterisation of Weak Bisimulation CongruenceBShm's Theorem, Church's Delta, Numeral Systems, and Ershov MorphismsExplaining Constraint ProgrammingSharing in the Weak Lambda-CalculusTerm Rewriting Meets Aspect-Oriented ProgrammingObserving Reductions in Nominal Calculi Via a Graphical Encoding of ProcessesPrimitive RewritingInfinitary Rewriting: From Syntax to SemanticsReducing Right-Hand Sides for TerminationReduction Strategies for Left-Linear Term Rewriting SystemsHigher-Order Rewriting: Framework, Confluence and TerminationTiming the Untimed: Terminating Successfully While Being ConservativeConfluence of Graph Transformation RevisitedCompositional Reasoning for Probabilistic Finite-State BehaviorsFinite Equational Bases in Process Algebra: Results and Open QuestionsSkew and w-Skew Confluence and Abstract BShm SemanticsA Mobility Calculus with Local and Dependent TypesModel Theory for Process AlgebraExpression Reduction Systems and Extensions: An OverviewAxiomatic Rewriting Theory I: A Diagrammatic Standardization TheoremAuthor Index



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