Advances in Cryptology ASIACRYPT 2005密码术进展 - ASIACRYPT 2005/会议录

出版时间:2006-1  出版社:湖北辞书出版社  作者:Roy, Bimal  页数:701  


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, ASIACRYPT 2005, held in Chennai, India in December 2005. The 37 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 237 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on algebra and number theory, multiparty computation, zero knowledge and secret sharing, information and quantum theory, privacy and anonymity, cryptanalytic techniques, stream cipher cryptanalysis, block ciphers and hash functions, bilinear maps, key agreement, provable security, and digital signatures.


Algebra and Number Theory Discrete-Lo-Based Signatules May Not Be Equivalent to Discrete Log Do AR Elliptic Curves of the Same Order lIare the Samc Dimculty of Discrete Log? Adaptizlg Density Attacks m Low-Weight Knapsacks Egzclcnt and Secure Elliptic Curve Point Mu]tiplication Using Double Base ChainsMultiparty Coinput ation Uppm Bounds on the Communication Complexity of Optimally Resilient Cryptographic Multiparty Computation Graph Decomposition Based Frameworks fiar Subset Cover Broadcast Encryption and Bfllcient installtiations Revealing Additional Information in Two Party ComputatkmsZero Knowledge and Secret Sharing Gate Evaluation Secret Sharing and Secure One-Round Two Party Computation Parallel Multi-party Computatiol from Linear Multi-secret Shaling Schemes Updatable Zero-Knowledge DatabasesInformation and Quantum Theory Shnple and Tight Bounds for Information ReconciliaLion and Privacy Amplification QUfalltlll]ft Anoltymous 1"l'ansmisslonsPrivacy and Anonylnity Prlvacy Preserving Groph Algorithms in the Semi honest Model Spieading Alerts Quietly and the Subgloup Escape Problem A Sender Verifiable Mix-Net and a New Proof of a Shuffle Universol]y Anonymizable Public-Key EncryptionCryptanalytic Techniques Fast Conlputation of Large Distributions and Its Cryptographlc Applications An Analysis of the XSL Algorithm Stream Cipher Cryptanalysis New Applications of Time Memory Data 'IYa& offs……Block Ciphers and Hash FunctionsBilinear MapsKey AreementProvable SecuritySignaturesAuthor Index



    Advances in Cryptology ASIACRYPT 2005密码术进展 - ASIACRYPT 2005/会议录 PDF格式下载

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