出版时间:2006-1 出版社:1 (2006年1月9日) 作者:Alan Dearle 页数:195
The LNCS series reports state-of-the-art results in computer science research, development, and education, at a high level and in both printed and electronic form. Enjoying tight cooperation with the R&D community,with numerous individuals, as well as with prestigious organizations and societies, LNCS has grown into the most comprehensive computer science research forum available. The scope of LNCS, including its subseries LNAI and LNBI, spans the whole range of computer science and information technology including interdisciplinary topics in a variety of application fields. The type of material published traditionally includes -proceedings (published in time for the respective conference) -post-proceedings (consisting of thoroughly revised final full papers) -research monographs (which may be based on outstanding PhD work,research projects, technical reports, etc.)
Middleware Integration Cooperative Component-Based Software Deployment in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Infrastructure for Automatic Dynamic Deployment of J2EE Applications in Distributed EnvironmentsPatterns for Deployment Component Deployment Using a Peer-to-Peer Overlay A Methodology for Developing and Deploying Distributed ApplicationsQOS Issues Crosslets: Self-managing Application Deployment in a Cross-Platform Operating Environment DANCE: A QoS-Enabled Component Deployment and Configuration EngineAdaptability, Customisation and Format Aware Deployment Improving Availability in Large, Distributed Component-Based Systems Via Redeployment A Decentralized Redeployment Algorithm for Improving the Availability of Distributed SystemsDependability Propagative Deployment of Hierarchical Components in a Dynamic Network Modelling Deployment Using Feature Descriptions and State Models for Component-Based Software Product FamiliesAssembly and Packaging J2EE Packaging, Deployment and Reconfiguration Using a General Component Model A Model of Dynamic Binding in .NETCase Studies Reuse Frequency as Metric for Dependency Resolver Selection ORYA: A Strategy Oriented Deployment Framework Deployment of Infrastructure and Services in the Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA)Author Index
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